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LESSON COMMENTARY [Continued from Pag* 382]
G O S P E L S I N G E R S ! Songs of Grace No. 1—Songs of Grace No. 2 New Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets, Choruses, Choir and other Sohgs. Each, 30o postpaid GOSPEL P I AN I S T S ! Sacred Piano Solos with Variations: “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” Bach 35o Postpaid. Order from— Gordon E. Hooker 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. IS THIS YOURS? Wanted: ChristianmenandwomendirectedbytheSpirit,tospread theCtoepelasoarrepresentativesinyourhome community. ADD INCOME Planis FREE. Distributelow-priced n o c r n v i c r Christian books. Scripture portiooe, DU S tK V Ih t pamphlets, cards and other Gospel spreading Items. Liberal discounts to those selling— , thousands have been helped. Work founded by D. L Moody. Writetodayforcatalogand details. BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASS'N 810 North Well« Street Chicago, 111. £V//wCHRISTMASCAS bargains. 12 Boxes, MORE THAN 75 NAME IMPRINTED CARDS. Write for Sample Box Assort ment on approval. Act now to qualify for Cash Bonus in addition* to cash earnings.. WESTERN ART STUDIOS Dept. B-J, 257 So. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. M A K E M O N E Y For Your Church Society Sell the Original DE VAULT feeler—SUcer—Shredder and other guaranteed household gadget« Write for our New-Easy-Pleasant Co-opera tive Plan to Organizations for raising those extra needed funds NOWl Pre-Christmas and Year-round money maker. Limited offer. Write .today. W. R. FEEMSTER CO. Dept. KB, 151 Bast Brie St. Chicago, HI. FREE If you order now before the rush. SAMPLE BOX ON APPROVAL rSELL AMERICA’S FINEST Relig ious Box with . Scripture Texts that express the true joy of Christmas. A Triumph of greeting card artistry. Cost 50o—Sell for $1. [ Customer’s name Imprinted on the assorted box of 21 folders for only 35e extra. This feature helps you to make QUICK, BIG PRO FITS! Also Everyday, Humorous, Etchings, Christmas Wrappings and other CHRISTMAS GREETINGS In attractive gift box and receive FREE 2 different packets of Scrip ture Text C h r i s t m a s tags and gummed metallic seals. A Real BargainI You will be pleated. We also offer less costly but excellent Scripture Text Christmas' Greetings In plain -shipping carton (no free seals). 15 Folders—50c. 6 Folders—25c. Satisfaction—or your money back. CHRISTIAN SERVICE PRESS Select Christian Literature and Tracta 40 Assorted Tracts—25e P. O. Box 174K Mollne, Bl. Send $1.00 for" 21 BEAUTIFUL DeLuxe SCRIPTURE TEXT
Then the Lord Jesus stood up and re buked the wind end said to the waves, “Peace, be still.” A t once, the wind stopped and the lake became as smooth as glass. The hearts of the disciples had been as disturbed as the lake. Jesus asked them, “Where is your faith?” If they had understood that the Lord Jesus with His Father created the earth and sea, they would have trusted Him and would not have been afraid. They were not heathen like the Roman centurion, and yet they wondered who Jesus could be, that even the winds and waves obeyed Him. If we trust the Lord Jesus because He is God’s Son, we need not be afraid, for He-has all power in heaven and in earth, and He will be with us in trouble to save us 'and to speak peace to our hearts. Object Lesson M issing a M essage OBJECTS: A small sack o f potatoes. (If a small cloth .sack cannot be pur chased, one can be made from a large sack.) LESSON: You are wondering how this small sack of potatoes can teach you a lesson this morning. It will be easy to teach a lesson, for potatoes and sacks are like people. Potatoes havs eyes, and sacks have ears, but they neither see nor hear. There are some people who have eyes that do not see, and ears that do not hear. There are others who have good physical eyes and ears but who do not see and hear spiritually. It was of this class th?t the Lord Jesu3 Christ spoke when He said, “ Seeing-they might not see, and hearing they might not under stand” (Lk. 8:10). He also said, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Lk. 8:8). Boys and girls, yoii may have sharp eyes and keen ears, and yet you may fail to see and hear the things that are most important. Today, as in olden days, there are those who fail to hear God’s voice speaking to them. It is well for us to ask ourselves, “Are we using our eyes and ears as God would have us use them.” We should keep our eyes open to see God’s plan, and our ears alert listening for the voice of God, and not be like a sack of potatoes which has blind eyes and deaf ears.
Character-Building Books for Children and the Home In a troubled world when each tomorrow brings new problems and new perils, It to important to have fundamental literature in the home. Parents welcome Egermeier’* storybooks because her unique style cap tures the interest of young minds and inspires in them the Bible principles ef conduct and righteous living. BIBLE STORY BOOK The great characters of the Bible ere made real and living in this book of 645 pages* (Hie Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is told in story and picture. Besides being a home and family book, it is used extensively by ministers and teachers. It is praised and recommended by leaders everywhere for its fascinating style, clarity and reliability. The 234 stones are beautifully illustrated with 217 pictures, many of which are colored. A big book and a big <*<> e\n value, priced at only______________$ A.UV CaeM teieni BIBLE PICTURE A .B .C BOOK A child’s book in every sense of the word. The stories are wrttten in Miss Egermeier« inimitable "child story" style. Full-page, multicolored pictures accompany each story, one for each letter of the alphabet. At the bottom of each story page are memory words. There are thirty beautiful picture« so full of interest the child never tires look ing at them. . . . . , ... The cover is made of high-grade blue cloth over stift binders board. There is a beautiful full-page colored picture of Mary and the Babe mounted on the front Ud. By a special patented,process the picture has a glass-like coating Which little fingers cannot soil. Large size book, nn 6li x 9 Inches, only , ____f L W Ctjesuneieni Here is something special in the line of storybooks. The life of Christ is covered in the charming.Egermeier story language. A vast amount of research and cost has been expended to make this book the best of its kind. Each story is illustrated with a full- page picture. There are 87 black and white and 18 multicolored pictures, all full-page size, besides a 16-page section of Holy Land scenes in sepia. The type selected is one of the new legible faces called textype, which has been recommended by educators. It is pleasing and easy to read. The binding is de luxe. It is a book of value and beauty throughout. Any family will be proud to aa aa possess a copy. Price----- $£«UU ___ Order Egermeier Books from Your Favorite Book Stois or aJvf Church Publishing House. PICTURE-STORY LIFE of CHRIST Adapted from Bible Story llook
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