TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
October, 1940
DAILY Devotional Readings [The selections this month are from When He G i v e t h Quietness, by Keith L. Brooks, and are used by per- mission .] 1. Ministers of Comfort “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people” (Isa. 40:1),. thing to an unsaved person, but some thing entirely different to a child of God. . . . In the quiet of the silent hours, unharassed by the conflicts of the world, we often hear God speak to our hearts as to our future course. With such a prospect, why should we count the sleep less hours as lost?
Your church, school or ladies society can make xmoney with our parish paper plan. Stimulates all church activities. . F i l l s empty pews. Samples and particulars free N ational R e lig io u s Press 1 G rand R apids, Mich. SCRIPTURE TEXT GREETING CARDS You; can earn excellent, profits selling tile true Christian Purpose line of Scripture Text Every- Day Greeting Cards and Christmas Cards. A peerless assortment of genuine religious greeting cards in a wide variety of rich designs . ex clusively new and different. You will like these cards . . . and so will yot!T~-friends. That’s why our cards sell quickly and easily . . . bringing larger earnings to our representatives. So send for complete details of "our plan . TO DAY! SCRIPTURE GREETING CARD COMPANY Box 522 Dept. 2 Philadelphia, Pa. 5000 workers WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, Scripture calendars, beautiful new mot toes, fcvripture Greeting Cards. \ Good commission. Send for free catalog and price list. GEORGE W. NOBLE, Publisher Dept. 7-C 31onon Bldg. Chicago, 111. VICTORY ALL THE WAY By Clark J. Forcey, Th.D. Author, Pastor and Radio Minister The Christian’s supreme need, these days, is “Victory.” There is a place of triumph in Christ for every born-again child of God. “ Victory All the Way,” ;God’s ideal for every believer, shows how to maintain such a glo rious .life through trust in Christ’s strength alone rather than; reliance on one’s own power- and ability. Attractive art stock covers, 112 pages, only 50c THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASS’N 810 North Wells St. Chicago, 111.
God does not eomfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters. The world is full of comfortless hearts. We are called to store up comfort for ready use. But only those are sufficient for this lofty ministry who are trained for it. To perfectly render it, w6 must ourselves have passed through the same afflictions that are wringing countless hearts. 2. The Problem of the Moment “Unto God would I commit my cause” (Job. 5:8). . “Watch your way a? a cautious trav eler,” wrote M. A. Kelty, “and don’t be gazing at that mountain or river in the distance..........Keep to the present little inch that is before you and ac complish that in the little moment that belongs to it. The mountain and the river can only be passed in the same way. When you come to them, commit your case into His hands, and you will find the light and strength that belong to them.” S. Rest in Trial “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest” (Ex. 33:14). John G. Patorr; when a missionary In the New Hebrides, having lost all his earthly goods, was obliged to spend sev eral hours one night In a tree for safe ty. Yet he said: "Never in all my sor rows did my Lord draw nearer to me, nor speak more soothingly to my soul. Had I been a stranger to Jesus and to prayer, my reason would verily have given away.” 4. Iron in the Soul “Joseph . . . was sold for a servant . . . his soul entered into the iron” (Psa. 105:17, 18, R.V. margin). The road tb the throne for Joseph lay through prison. But for the hateful fet ters that tormented him, he would never have worn the signet of Pharaoh’s hand nor the golden chain about his neck. If the iron entered into his soul, it was only that it might make him strong in the service of his God. 5. The Night Seasons “My reins . . . instruct me in the night seasons” (Psa. 16:7). There is an old saying that the pillow is the best counselor. This' means one
6. A Satisfying Resurrection “To every seed his own body . . . raised in incorruption” (1 Cor. 15:38, 42). Wrote Hugh MacMillan: “No new forms can supply the place of my dead, and there would be no relief to my in supportable sorrow unless I knew that the precious dust committed to the earth is not all dust, that I shall see again the very forms that I loved, won derfully changed and transformed In deed, translucent with spiritual glory, but still wearing the same form and fea^ tures that were familiar to me on earth.” Are You Filled to the Brim? "I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with his likeness” (Psa. 17:15). Has there ever been a human being on earth that could say, “I am satis fied” ? Payson said: "Once I dreamed of being transported to heaven. Being sur prised to find myself so calm and tran quil in the midst of my joy, I inquired the cause. The reply was: “ ‘When you were on earth you re sembled a bottle partly filled with water, which was agitated by the least motion. Now you are like the same bot tle filled to tiie brim, which cannot be disturbed.’ ” 8. Believing to See “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Psa. 27:13). A common Infirmity among God’s people is faintness of heart. Even he who slew Goliath was subject to its at tacks. We are beset by a multitude of discouragements. Our tendency Is to want to see to believe. God commands the opposite. We must believe to see— take God at His Word. This is the cor dial of the soul that prevents fainting. We must stay ourselves with foretastes of the Lord’s goodness. Pillars of the Promises - “For all the promises of God in h’m are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Cor. 1:20). Some one has said that every promise of Scripture is built upon four pillars: 7. 9.
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