T H E K I N O ’ S B t r S Ì N i S S
October, 1940
David, driven in contempt from his own capital, had faith to see a day com ing when the glory of God would come upon him. Oh, for the grace to see our future glory amid present apparent de feat and shame! Though now our heads hang with sorrow and perplexity, soon He will lift them up with joy. We need not fear a frowning world if our delight is in the prayer-hearing God. 15. The Daily Rate “A daily rate for every day” (2 Ki. 25:80). What folly to try to live today on yesterday’s grace! If the soul would be active and strong, its divine sustenance must come like the manna from heaven to the Israelites. Since there i3 grace for every day, it is folly to be borrow ing tomorrow’s troubles. Let us make use of Monday’s rate for Monday and Tuesdays rate for Tuesday. 16. Dare-Christians “How say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?” (Psa. l l i l ) . The timid bird flies to the mountain whenever danger presents itself. This is the kind of advice the devil often whis pers to the Christian. . . . There are times when God calls upon us to “with-, stand . . ., and having done all, to stand.” The devil says': “Fly away—-why risk yourself?” David’s answer was: “In the Lord put I my trust.” . . . We need a dare-Christian today for every dare devil of the world. 17. The East and the West “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgres sions from us” (Psa. 103:12). A man said to an elderly Christian
(1) God’s justice which will not suffer Him to deceive. (2) God’s grace which will not suffer Him to forget. (3) God’s truth which will not suffer Him to change. (4) God’s power which enables Him to accomplish. There is nothing we can truly call a mercy, but the child of God will find it in the promises of the Bible. 10. Proclaiming Our Refuge “I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress” (Psa. 91:2). We are apt enough to proclaim our doubts, . . . but have we noticed that one condition of experiencing God’s pro tection is that we should speak out and testify with calm courage as to our well-grounded reliance in His promises? Let others SAY what they will, be it ours to say of the Lord: “He is my refuge.” . . . We must fly to the Lord for shelter, and not to the arm of flesh. 11.' Our Vindication “He shall bring forth thy righteous ness as the light” (Psa. 37:6). ■ Be content to leave your vindication with the Judge of all the earth. . . . If our thought is of His honor, we have a right to believe that He will look after ours. Many have found that, even though their good names seemed for a while to be darkened, in due time Provi dence sent a clearing like the dawning light, which increased until those once censured became universally admired, while their critics came to confusion. 12. Receiving Correction “Thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock” (Jer. 5:3). There is one point where the believer must be extremely careful. It is that he should not receive affliction in a stout hearted, rebellious, defying spirit. The first step toward victory is to acknowl edge the design of God in permitting our trials and then to do all we can to bring the design about. . . . There is no hope of renewed blessing when our faces are set against God. t Waiting is a great part of life’s dis cipline. . . . “In all your waitings,” say* Vaughn, “remember two things. Let it not he so much the event for which you wait, as the Lord of the event. And take care that you have a promise un derneath you. In His Word do I hope—- else waiting will be too much for you, and after all, it may be in vain.” 14. The One Who Lifts Our Heads "Thou, O Lord, a r t . . . my glory, and the lifter up of mine head” .(Pea. 3:8). 18. Waiting for the Lord “I wait for the Lord” (Psa. 130:5).
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