KB 393
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
October, 1940
Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE
A Vital Message fo r an Unbelieving Generation UNFEIGNED FAITH by Donald James MaeKay, B. D. Pastor of the Philpott Tabernacle, Hamilton, Ont., Bible Conference Teacher and Radio Minister. Introduction by Dr. WILL H. HOUGHTON Twelve important chapters showing the danger of Christian faith and virtue being destroyed by the evolutionary teaching in our schools and colleges. Especially valuable to young people who need to be established. 128 pages, beautifully bound in attractive art stock, two-color cover with suggestive design, large type, only 50c Order your copy today and keep it in circulation! THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASS’N 810 North Wells St. Chicago, 111.
Activity on the College Campus The following Items list only some of those witnessing to students: Allison Selway, ’38, 709 Washington, Alhambra, Calif., describes an eventful year thus: “Doesn’t it seem difficult to sum up all of His mercies for a whole year into just a few sentences? These past months have been the most trying and at the same time the most precious of my life. During the fall semester at Pasadena Junior College I had an unusual opportunity to defend the Word of God in my philosophy class. The Lord has used this experience to open many doors of service among various groups of young people. It has been a time of ridicule but also a time of re joicing in His strength and wisdom. In addition to my college work, I have had the privilege of teaching three Bible classes each week. The joy of introduc ing souls to our Lord and building up others in the faith can truly never be surpassed. This fall I plan to attend Pepperdine College, the Lord willing, as the result of a scholarship which He has graciously provided.” W. R. Hale, Superintendent of Men at Biola, traveled to the Bay district
Biola Missionaries Abroad Mabel W. Jones, E.S. ’28, wrote in the summer from “Kingsley,” Kings Avenue, Prestatyn, North Wales, that in June she was required to leave a district in England which was closed to all “aliens,” friendly or otherwise. A home in Wales was opened to her, and from this ref uge she wrote: “If there’s anything in a name, then I have it for Wales— Jones. But there is something in a Name, and I have that Name, too, for North Wales, the all-prevailing Name of Jesus. We go forth in that precious Name, expecting to see the power of it work. Please pray for us. Who knows what is ahead for this dear land? . . . There are grave questions arising in the minds of thinking men and women. We must be able to give a reason for our faith. Pray on for the church, for England. Your prayers mean so much' to us—it will make interesting telling some day. May God keep you all at peace concerning us, as He has kept us at peace through all these experiences.” Miss Jones is a member of the North Africa General Mission. Charles (’36) and Mrs. Olvey, Ori noco River Mission, Apartado 75, Cui- dad Bolivar, Venezuela, S. A., report encouraging growth, both “spiritual and numerical,” in their work at Guidad Bolivar. In the spring, Mr. Olvey made a trip with Van V. Eddings, ’13, Direc tor of the Mission, to El Tigre, a fast growing oil town with three hundred American residents. They had an oppor tunity to minister at a Sunday service for the Americans in the camp, and they are praying that a permanent testimony may be established in that community. Peter J. and Mrs. Visser (Elizabeth M. Mahon, ’28), Booke, Kole, via Lusambo, Congo Beige, W. C. Africa, have been serving under the Unevangelized Tribes Mission. They have twp sons, Peter Henry, three and a half years of age, and Wesley, five. It is regretted that in the September issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS the new address of Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Keller was given incorrectly as 1621 Lockwood Street instead of 1621 Rock- wood Street, Los Angeles. These mis sionary members of the Biola family, who returned to Canada from the Hu nan Bible Institute a year ago, have been scheduled, since coming to Los Angeles in the summer, as speakers in various Southern California churches. Dr. Keller was scheduled to speak at the Church of the Open Door Silver Anniversary in September. Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Keller in Los Angeles
Dr. Rodney O. Lilyquist DENTIST
S u ite 806 S t o r y B ld g . 610 S o u th B r o a d w a y
Los Angeles T U c k e r 4323
CHRISTIAN’S POCKET PIECE I I Looks like a ten-dollar gold piece, con- I I taining the Ten Commandments and I I the Lord’s Prayer. Beautifully en- I graved. Price 15 cents. Phy when you I I receive it. We trust you. E. E. KUSEL CO., OROYILLE, CALIF.
• How shall the children know of God and His Word unless they be taught—be diligently taught? How diligently is the Bible taught in your Sunday School? The diligent teaching of the Bible, not just lessons from the Bible, is the program of THE ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES of SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS. MOSES WAS RIGHT! Echoed by the growing num ber of Sunday Schools
ROLL C A LL— A L L D EPA R TM EN TS “ How good I feel to know that we are doing God’s W ill to these little tots.” — Mont. “ . . . the PR IM A R Y D A YS. I am so glad that I was fortunate enough to discover them.” — Pa. “ We like our Scripture Press sup plies and feel the dawning of a new day in our school.” — Kane. “ . . . most of our increase has been on the part of the boys who did not seem Interested when the . . . lessons were taught in the regulation way.” — Tenn. . . have learned more of the Bible in these past eighteen months than In six years of previous Bible teaching of . • • lessons.” — Kans. CHURCH SCHOOL PROMOTER The magazine ior the American ’
adopting this approved Series of ALL-BIBLE lessons. This Se ries conforms also to the sound pedagogical principle of De partmental grading—all class es of each department study the same lesson each Sunday. INVESTIGATE NOW! These are the most crucial months of the Sunday School year. FREE! Complete compendium containing themes ana scripture references of 780 lessons (14 years) from Beginner through Senior Dep't. Send 10c toward postage. For current manuals, regular prices: teacher's 25c, pupil's 10c. OUR NEW CATALOG Sunday School supplies and materials. ' Write for a copy—FREE. THE SCRIPTURE PRESS, Inc. N. Clark 8t., Chicago, Dept. KB-It
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