TH E K I N O ' S B U S I N E S S
October, 1940
ScH Christmas G r e e t in g C a r d s
God’s sight, is “Christ,’’ I am in Him, and in Him I am “accepted in the be loved.” My home is God. I dwell in the bosom of the Father. His banner over me is love. “Near, so very near to God, Nearer I could not be, For in the person of His Son I’m just as near as He. “Dear, so very dear to God, Dearer I could not be,
A BURDEN OF PRAYER FOR DR. CHOW [Continued from Page 369]
with a very clear eye and voice declared to us all that he had seen the Lord Jesus nailed on the cross for his sins. “I do not know why,” he said, “ the conviction hus become so plain to me, but I know that He died for me. I know that I believe in Him. I know that I have eternal life and that I shall enter shortly into His presence. My dear wife,” he added, addressing me, “we have wasted our lives. We have known of this gospel. We have neglected it. I urge vou here and now, before I go hence," to trust Jesus Christ for salva tion and to give your life to make Him known.” And to his brother also stand ing by the bed he said, “In the school that we own and operate in Nanking, see to it that- you have true Christian ministers to come there to preach the gospel to our students from now on.” After so charging us, he put his head back on the pillow, His lips began to move, and we could hear presently the tones of a gospel song that he had learned long ago but which I had never heard him sing. We were amazed at the strength and clarity of his voice, and when the song was over, in clear, aud ible tones, drawn from somewhere in the long hidden archives of his memory, there came fojth from beginning to end the love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13. He ended up, “And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” And as he spoke these words, his spirit fled from his body, and he was drawn into the presence of the Saviour whom he had so recently trusted.’ “ So, Mr. Graham,” went on the lady principal, “your judgment is correct We shall see Dr. Chow one day in the glory.” ■ ' It is strange how astonished we can be at that which we even claim to expect. My heart was filled with a song. I did not reach the bedside of Dr. Chow in time, but the Holy Spirit, the Teacher, thè Regenerator, the One who leads men to Christ, preceded me and did a much better work than I could have done. It happened that a few days later it was my pleasure to see the lovely wife of the deceased mathematics professor and to hear from her Ups the testimony of God’s grace to her husband and to her self and to her husband’s brother, all because of the effectual fervent prayer of a friend whose heart was aflame with the love of Christ. CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST [Continued from Page 364] to attend, they repUed, saying: “We thank you for your kind invitation, but we died last Thursday." “But Christ Uveth in me.” There has been a resurrection, but the risen man is “not I, but Christ.” My name, in
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