T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
October, 1940
you, secured a crown you think should have been yours, achieved fame or posi tion you think he is not worthy of, be careful of your heart and lips. If the tiger of jealousy is within you, ask God to give you love. If your lips have made little of the faith and work of others, and have scorned their success and mag nified their failures and errors, deter mine that from this day the old promise will be fulfilled: “For the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.” Allow the Holy Spirit to anoint your eyes that you may look at your friends in a new light altogether. The Word of God offers no excuse for a single “besetting sin.” And the preacher who would stand in Christ’s stead in the pulpit must be ever alert against perils of many kinds, against the lusts of the flesh and the deceptions of the enemy of souls, “lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” Wherefore, “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” me not: if another shall come in his' own name, him ye will receive” (John 5:42, 43). As “ the Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35), it would seem that the day is at hand when the Anti christ must appear in the hour of Is rael’s great need, and Israel will hail him as a saviour. What an hour just now for the coming of such an one, when the great German Black Eagle is tearing away at the vitals of Jacob! There can be no question that the Jew, believing the Antichrist to be the Mes siah, will play his part, throwing back of this “man of sin” the enormous power that international .Jewry still has, and thus will become one of the stepping-stones of the Antichrist to his exalted position on the earth. That will be the Jew’s saddest error, save the one he made on Olivet’s brow over nineteen centuries ago. It is well known that the present Roman Caesar was extremely friendly to the Jews of Italy until he “made love” to Adolf Hitler. We believe that Mussolini has merely posed as a Jew- baiter in order to woo Adolf Hitler into becoming his tool, for the humbling of the might of France and England as they barred the way to the fulfill-, ment of his dream of Roman glory. Contrary to the almost universal opin ion today, we believe that, in the mystery of the ways of God, the world will yet discover that Adolf Hitler was the tool of Mussolini, and that Mussol ini was. not the tool, nor fool, of Hitler.. THREE STEPPING-STONES OF THE ANTICHRIST [ Continued from Page 370]
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Students of the prophetic Word are acquainted with the “covenant” fore told in Daniel 9:27. It is that “cove nant” that we consider to be one of the stepping-stones of the Antichrist to power. We wish to warn the reader against assuming that we believe that Mus solini will be the Antichrist. No man can now know. The Antichrist is to have his revelation after the. transla tion of the saints. We simply believe that Mussolini is playing a part on the European stage that is tremendously significant; and if he does not prove to be the actual “man of sin” who is to play the part of the Antichrist after the removal of the church, he is cer tainly a remarkable foreshadow of that man. The true saints of God, however, un derstanding His eternal purposes in Christ, are urfafraid. They know well that before the Antichrist shall come
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