T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
October, 1940
Our Literature Table
A re You Listening to the
“Old-Fashioned Revival Hour” ? • Nation-wide Sunday Evening Gospel Broadcast! # Don’t m iss it! Tell your friends. P
The Old Fashioned Revival Hour And the Broadcasters By J. ELWIN WRIGHT Those who *are interested in Charles E. Fuller’s broadcast of “The Old Fashioned Revival Hour" will enjoy reading this very remarkable story of the origin and develop ment of the broadcast. The author gives delightful glimpses into the childhood and youth of both Mr, and Mrs. Fuller, showing how, even /before either one was converted, God was preparing them for this radio ministry. Then comes an account of their yielding to the Lord and their step-by-step going on with Him until they were thrust out into a service, the magnitude of which neither had ever anticipated when first they yielded to Him. The latter half of the book is taken up with fascinating excerpts from letters of those whose lives have been trans formed and blessed as a result of listening in on the “Old Fashioned Revival Hour." 254 pages. Fellowship Press, 5 Park St., Boston, Mass. Cloth, Price $1.00. Not by Bread Alone (Wheaton College Chapel Talks) Edited by CARL F. H. HENRY To the platform of Pierce Chapel at Whea ton College come evangelical Christian lead ers from varied walks of life and from many lands. Singular opportunity to profit from the ministry of these men is now available through this compilation of chapel messages, epitomized and suitable for private reading or family devotions. ■ Represented in the longer selections in this volume are; Rowland V. Bingham, J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., V. Raymond Edman, James R. Graham, Jr., H. A. Ironside, Isaac Page, Harry Rimmer, Charles E. Scott, Os wald J. Smith, Walter L. Wilson, and others. Short devotional excerpts from still other speakers are interspersed among the twenty- ohe longer talks. 153 pages. Zondervan Rub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. “The Prayer Perfect" Is the prayer that Christ taught His disciples in answer to their request ; “Lord, teach us to pray/* The author establishes the fact that the Lord’s Prayer is definitely and exclusively for Christians. He réfutes the teaching that this prayer was meant only for the kingdom age by showing how some of the petitions would be very illogical at that time, whereas they are extremely appropriate to the pres ent-day needs of God’s people/ Then he proceeds to give a rather unusual treatment of the eight petitions. The theme of the book might well be summed up by one sentence taken from the chapter on “Our Daily Bread” : “This petition is real only when it is erected on a platform of Christian con duct." Thus the entire book is an extremely practical discussion of the particular phase of Christian conduct which is the necessary corollary to the unhindered offering of each request to God. The petition, “Thy will be done," furnishes the basis for a great deal of sound advice to one desirous of knowing and following the Lord’s guidance in each step of his life. 176 pages. Revell Co. Cloth, Price $1.25. Dark Mountain By DOROTHY RICHARDS BRYANT . Mr. Holcomb had financed too many un finished courses of various kinds for his changeable daughter, Marjorie, to put much faith in her earnestness as she started out this time for Bible school and a missionary career. However, he felt the atmosphere of such a place might be some help to her. Indeed Marjorie herself had little idea what she was getting herself in for as she fol lowed an impulse to do something which she felt would put her in good standing with her young and handsome new pastor. The girl found herself a decided misfit in the Bible school until fellow students were able to lead her to a saving knowledge of Christ. Her spiritual grow th w u »0 rapid and sub The Prayer Perfect By HARRY RIMMER
stantial then that she proved to be a pillar of strength in the ensuing days to her lonely father and her motherless brother and sister. There were many problems to test her as she grew in grace and many snares in which she wasf nearly caught—but the way m which she was delivered from them will not fail to interest those who read this helpful story. 223 pages. Zondervan Pub, House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Rainbows By EDITH M. BEYERLE The story opens with a scene in the old Southern family mansion, where Constance Rockford shocks and angers her society-lov ing mother by announcing that she bas heard God’s c^ll to the mission field. The girl’s perseverance in obedience to the Lord is the cause of both her disinheritance by her parents and the breaking of her engage ment to a desirable and wealthy woung man in the community. Encouraged by a few godly neighbors and plantation servants, Constance leaves her childhood home and works her way through Bible school. Her testimony and prayers are the means of fi nally bringing her loved ones to a knowledge of saving grace. The way of salvation and the problem of guidance are thus presented in story form in a way that is very accept able to young people. 348 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. New Radio Songs and Choruses of the Gospel By WENDELL P LOVELESS and . ROBERT C. LOVELESS This collection of new choruses has in tervals too unusual to serve the purpose of those who wish to teach a young people’s group a new chorus iu three minutes. But there are some very beautiful numbers in cluded, choruses which may well become “feature" music in the programs of more experienced groups of singers. Among the easier songs in the group is the one entitled» “I Haven’t/Words to Tell." 63 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Paper. Price 30 cents. The Way of Peace By HARRY A. IRONSIDE True peace—the peace that Is centered in the Lord Jesus Christ—will have a richer meaning for many as they follow Dr. Iron side’s orderly discussion of this subject. In the opening chapters the author clears away some of the common misconceptions concern ing Christ’s promised peace, and then pro ceeds to give a tender presentation of the way to peace in Him. The illustrative sto ries in the book are told with unusual power. In the section dealing with false peace there is both the hope of deliverance and a sol emn warning for those who are becoming ensnared. 202 pages. American Tract Society. Cloth. Price $1.50. Seven New Testament Converts By WILLIAM B. RILEY As a sequel to the author’s Seven New Testament Soul Winners, this volume of sermons has further lessons for those who would win men and w om en to Christ. It covers both a variety of types of personali ties and a helpful scope of kinds of conver sions. An outlined presentation with ample illustration makes the discussion easy to follow. 110 pages. W m . B. Eerdman# Pub lishing Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. M . A T E Famous Paraguay Tea, South America's favorite drink. Good hot or iced. Send $1 for 20 oz. Postpaid. Agts. wanted.
Write for Radio Log of Stations CHARLES E. FULLER, Director Gospel Broadcasting Association P. O. Box 123 Los Angeles, Calif. C H R I S T M A S C A R D S We offer 50c and $1.00 boxes which are far above the average, with an abun dance of costly tinsel underlays, unique “die-cuts," and new embossed decorations in perfect color harmony featuring winter scenes and Scriptural and seasonal de signs. Agents make 100% profit! We need Christian workers to .sell our mottoes, Bibles, special song books, Scrip ture calendars, sacred sheet music, and other religious merchandise. Send for our free catalog. The Boone Publishing Co. (Dept. K.) P. O . B o x 2 0 0 D e » M o h n s, Io w a FOURTH QUARTER UNIFORM LESSON HELP STUDIES IN LUKE by Grace Saxe, using chapter summary method, gives 24 special subjects for study, some of which are Wor ship, Temptation, Love, Parables, Divorce, Suffering and Miracles, etc. Heavy paper cover, 55 pages only 35c Ask fo r FREE pam phlet on “ How to Start A Revival in B ible Study.” BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASS’N. 810 N. Wells St. Chicago, III. fast selling boxes. Also sell 50 for $1 Series, Everyday, Gift Wrappings and Sunshine Placques. Liberal Cash Bonus in addition to big cash earn ings. Large $1 Box sent on approval at once. Send no money. Rush request today. N A T IO N A L A R T S T U D IO S , D ept! «8 417 Douglas Bldg., Spring at Third St., Los Angeles, Calif. Startling U 0 1— ml----- BIBLE ANSWERS.*' 20 chapters, one F R E E . Are made-up women GOD’S E N EM IE S? See James 4:4 , Is Divorce-marriage ad ultery? Is Birth control murder? Is Hell eternal? Can UN-repentant bridge-gamblers, Suicides, Tight-w ads, Cigarette suckers, Movie fan s, Night- lifers; be saved? 125 pages; 3 D IM ES. 100 chap ter edition, a $ bill. Scriptural League, K B , Youngstown, O. 15 NAMES WANTED Addresses of S. S. teachers and S. S. super intendents known to be readers of fundamen tal Christian literature such as THE KING’S "BUSINESS. YOUR NAME not mentioned; YOUR REWARD, one of oilr best 128 page books—if you send 15 addresses or more, plainly written, and mention this offer. The Bible Institute Colportage Ass’». .fill) No, W o U4 MJb jCJOoftfO» fik SAM PLE BOX ON A P PRO VAL Fill your pocketbook with bulging Christmas Card profits. Show Re ligious Cards that revere the true Christmas. Double your profits by selling our ar- 1 1s t i c box assortments with customer’s n a m e printed on each card. All
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