King's Business - 1940-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1940

states, four foreign lands, and fourteen or more denominations. It has been pointed out that pastors who relate their sermons to the book under consideration will find great bless­ ing in preaching to congregations sat­ urated with the Word. Leaflets explain­ ing in detail the method of conducting the study may be secured by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the chairman of the campaign, C. J. Boppell, 2666 37th Ave. S.W., Seattle, Wash.

Seeing Is Believing By C. W. BAKER, JR.

M o n e y M a k in g O p p o r t u n it y " ' ■ i. Popular jio u icK b lJ paper ptoduetjy reatonably • . •■ -' priced/ fell quickly,, make good profits and repeat. . ,Sample? p r jO ^ ..HWdy.TjWacki:;W axed Paper -and', many other fast; selling articles— 'F R E E . W rite -— H A N b y W A C K S C 6 R P O R A T I O N r ; ■SPARTAy MICHIGAN^ ' ' Scofield Bible Offered with “King’s Business.” (See Bage 385.)

From twenty years of experience in work with boys and girls, the author has selected seventy lessons adaptable for either chalk talks or object lessons. A simple sketch is accompanied by a list of teaching points, germs of spiritual truth which the teacher can develop in. accord­ ance with the needs of his particular group. Some may wish that the Word, of God were incorporated more definitely in the discus­ sion, but the Scripture text which heads each lesson, can be woven into the comment by any teacher who 'will make the effort to do so. Of particular value for the busy teacher is the index, arranged according to topics as well as to special days and events. 165 pages. Standard Publishing Co. Paper. Price $1.00. , * Uvea That Oft Remind Vs By ENOS K. COX Twenty character sketches of Old Testa­ ment men and women are here filled with pointed, applications to present-day life. The matter-of-fact directness and the frequently whimsical turn of thought make the selec­ tions good reading. Such titles as “Job— Upon Whom the Devil Was Turned Loose” ; “Esau—The Man Who Could Not Wait,” and “Aaron—One of the Near Great,” indi­ cate the approach taken. 178 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’ri. Cloth. Price $1.00. Christianity and Education By B. L. EDDY A Protestant layman, an attorney, in this book capably discusses the relation of mod­ ern educational trends to Christian educa­ tion, distinguishing carefully between the latter and “religious education.” Mr. Eddy’s familiarity with the legal ground for decis­ ions about Bible instruction in state schools enables him to give practical advice to those interested in the Week-Day Bible School for public school pupils during “released time.” In" this same connection, he warns of the pitfall« .of substituting “character educa­ tion” for the evangelical Bible instruction that leads to salvation in Christ The book reveals the author’s familiarity with the modern educational world and its vocabulary, as well as a respect for a broad cultural background. In consequence, it should gain a response from thoughtful students of Christian education. 82 pages. Fortuny’s. Cloth. Price $1.00 Old-Fashioned Revival Hour With 250 stations broadcasting the services through the Mutual Broadcast­ ing System and affiliated stations, the much-loved program led by Charles E. Fuller, a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in the Class of 1921, enters its full fall schedule on Sunday, October 6. The time for the Revival Hour varies somewhat throughout the country, and in certain localities the program may be heard at two differ­ ent times. The complete radio log of this broadcast, including the Canadian, Puerto Rican, and short wave sched­ ules, may be secured by addressing Dr. Fuller at P. O. Box 123, Los Angeles, Calif. Bible Mastery Campaign The First Epistle of Peter is the book selected for the eleventh annual “Bible Mastery Month” project sponsored by the Presbytery of Seattle, Wash. Chris­ tians who wish to participate this year will sign a covenant to endeavor to read the chosen book daily during October. In October of 1939, the Epistle of James was the basis for the reading, and the campaign reached into thirty-seven

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