King's Business - 1940-10


"Back in the 9 0 ’s son, before I was born, my mother used to play her favorite hymns on the old fam ily organ from a hope song book.”

a For three generations churches of all denominations have “ looked to us for “only the best in song books.” And now “The Service Hymnal” brings you at amazing low cost the latest and best of a long line of notable hymnbooks. Contains the noblest hymns of the ages, new songs and selected Scrip­ ture readings for every service and season. If your church needs new hymnals, mail coupon for FREE sample copy. Un riva led in Q u a lity and V a lu e Thousands of churches will tell you “The Service Hymnal” is unrivaled inmusical richness and spiritual power. Here for the first time are many popular descants to familiar tunes. In­ creases devotion, attendance and soul-win­

"A s a boy, I remember going to church and standing beside my mother listening to her sweet voice sing ‘Rock o f A ges’ and ‘fesus, Lover o f M y Soul’ from ‘Joy to the W orld’— the hope book o f that day. ”

ning zeal. First classified hymnal to be completely orchestrated. 480 Pages, 510 Musical Numbers, 65 Responsive Readings. Bound superbly in lac­ quered “Class A” cloth; gold embossing tarnish- proof. Price per 100, not prepaid, only $60.00. HOPE PUBLISHING COMPANY 5729-P LAKE STREET a Chicago, 111. FREE Sample sent all inter­ ested churches quali­ fying with coupon be­ low. M A I L T O D A Y

"W hen ‘M om ’ and I were married, the organist played the hymns fo r the service from good old ‘Hymns o f Praise’— the hope book popular fo r many years.”


HOPE PUBLISHING COMPANY 5729-P WEST LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Our church needs new hymnbooks. Please send f r e e “ THE SERVICE HYMNAL** for information given below. ■ I am Name ............................................ ............( ) Pastor ( ) Sup’t o r ................ A ddress ......................................................................................................... ............ Church & D enom ....................................................................................................... H ym nals n ow used in M orning Service ............................................ .. Other hym nals now used ................ ............................................................... W e w ill be in the m arket fo r new hym nals ( date ) . . . ......................... P astor ........................................................................ Address Chairman Music C omm .......................................... Address sample of

"A n d when ‘Granny’ died, you remember we gave our church, as a memorial in her honor, a supply o f ‘THE service hymnal ’ — the newest and latest and best o f a long line o f hymnbooks published by the hope publishing company . ”

NOTE; Giftor memorialbook plates furnished FREEfor“THE SERVICE HYMNAL”

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