October, 1940
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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The Three Stepping-Stones of the Antichrist to Power
By LOUIS S. BAUMAN* Long Beach, California ”*
W HEN the Antichrist shall arise to the zenith of his ca reer, he will have achieved ab forces of the world; for “no man” will be able to “buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev. 13: 17). Likewise, he will have absolute power over the political forces of the world, for “power” shall be “given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Rev. 13:7). And, finally, he will have absolute power over all the spiritual forces of the world, for “all that dwell upon the earth shall wor ship him” ; and he will “cause that as many as .would not worship the image . of the beast should be killed” (Rev. 13:8,15). In.the attainment of this high emi nence, this “man of sin” will have used three stepping-stor/js: the “great har lot,” some great political power, and the Jew. Ecclesiastical Power The first stepping-stone is to be “ the great harlot that sitteth upon many waters” (Rev. 17:1, R. V.). Can we identify this “harlot that sitteth upon many waters” ? We are not left to speculate as to the meaning of “ the waters.” The Word itself tells us, "The waters which thou sawest, Where the harlot sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues” (Rev. 17:15, R. V.). The "har lot” therefore is some power that exer cises ruling influence over the nations. “The beast” in the vision is the beast o t Revelation 13. And the beast of Revelation 13 is the Antichrist, final head of the revived Roman Empire. Of “the beast” it is said that “power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Rev. 13:7). If . the "harlot” and the “beast” are not identical, then how can they both have the power over the nations? Let it be noted in the apocalyptic vision that the “harlot” appears riding “ the beast.” Therefore, she “sitteth” * Pastor, First Brethren Church.
on the “peoples, and multitudes, and nations” simply by sitting, rein in hand, on “ the beast” that reigns over the ations. She reigns by the rein. The only power that has ever pre vailed successfully against political power in this world is religious power. The only power that could possibly ride “ the beast” that rules the nations must be some religious power. But note that this religious power that shall dominate “ the beast” in the time of the end, is, in the eyes of God, a “harlot,” for thus the inspired writer designates her. And why a "harlot” ? She is a “harlot” because “the kings of the earth have committed fornica tion” (Rev. 17:2) with her. She must be some “woman” that did not belong to the kings of this earth, else there could not be the accusation of adul tery. Verily, she must have belonged to the King from above! Again, “ the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17:18). That city, when John had his vision, was Rome. This passage of Scripture localizes the woman. Now there is only one body that fits into all this picture — ecclesiastical Rome—the p a p a c y . Originally, the church in Rome was the church of Christ—long before the days of the Reformation. At the close of the fourth century, with the conversion of Constantine, the church, even “ the bride of Christ,” formed alliances with the political powers of the earth, Which are of Satan’s dominion (cf. Lk. 4:5, 6). When the church joined herself unto the state, ■she became a harlot before God. The Lord Jesus Himself hurled at her the charge: “I know . . . where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name” (Rev. 2:13) which she should have relinquished long ago. In view of this divine portrayal, it is of intensest interest in these last days to watch developments in the Vatican. When the first head of the revived Roman Empire (Mussolini)
came upon the scene, he paid humble acknowledgment to papal Rome in more ways than one, even restoring to the “Mother of Harlots” the greatest desire of her estranged heart—a tem poral state. And ever since, the be- jeweled “harlot” has been blessing the banners of political Rome as those ban ners floated over the legions who marched forth to the plunder in Ethio pia, in Spain, and in Albania. And now those banners float along with the martial banners of the aggressors who would glut themselves with the blood of innocent men, women, and ten der babes—Nazi Germany. Just a few days ago, the prelates of papal Rome in Germany pledged loyalty to Adolf Hitler. Can any one, in the wildest stretch of his imagina tion, think of priests of Christ pledging loyalty to this would-be superman who, in his practices, shows no likeness to Christ? But it is not so much the alliances, past or present, of the “harlot” with “ the kings of the earth” that most inter ests us now. It is her special relation to the beast of the Roman den that con cerns us. Let none be deceived by the tears of papal Rome and her “horror1’ ex pressed from time to time because of the rivers of blood now flowing in Eu rope, into thinking thht there is no secret understanding between papal Rome and political Rome today. It is unthinkable that papal Rome would be blessing the banners of Mussolini’s highbinders, when they are joining hands directly with the Pope-despising goose steppers of Hitler and indirectly with the priest-hating assassins under Stalin, if there were no understanding. The crafty old Jesuits—masters of in trigue through centuries of time—un derstand ! The deep-plotting Fascist understands! You can be sure of that; Revelation reveals it. Political Power The second stepping-stone will be some great political power, duped into [ Continued on Page 370]
solute power over all the economic
What Do the Events in Europe JMLEAN? a Dr. Bauman’ s article on this page offers Bible light on this question that is stirring the hearts of both Christians and unbelievers in these momentous days.
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