King's Business - 1959-09

hindrance holding him back. Usually, it isn’t what he quickly and easily expresses. We must be patient enough to let him talk. A good listener will discover what is going on behind the scene. A word, an expression, or a simple question may tip off the real problem. A counsellor was making no prog­ ress in helping an inquirer to faith and assurance. A trivial question about God’s readiness to forgive all sin was the cue to the real hurdle. There was sin in his life so serious that he feared God would not forgive. The assurance from God’s Word opened the door of this inquirer’s life to the blessing of God’s forgiving grace. “ His mercy endureth forever.” Children and young people have problems as well as older people. They may have been living in such a sinful environment that the sunlight of God’s love and mercy has been al­ most completely obscured. The same remedy heals and cures, however. Problems accumulate with the passing years for the one estranged from God. Hope and trust are dissipated. We, His children, have the healing balm. We must pass it on to those who give the slightest inclination of interest and inquiry. We are the ambassadors of God’s grace.

and pursue it without a moment’s hesitation. You may also have delayed and deeply considered the meaning and consequences of this conclusion. You reproach yourself for having de­ layed even briefly. Now, step into the other person’s position. He hasn’t known the release and joy of God’s favor, His mercy, His tolerant and loving forgiveness. He is aware of the sting and remorse of his sins. There are other things that crowd in on him. What will his friends say? Can he live this different life? What about those whom he has injured? What about the family? What about those with whom he shared in sin? W ill God really forgive all sin? What about the unbelief and doubt he has accumulated? These were a source of false protection from the consciousness of sin, but now they are a disturbing spectre. These may be only a few serious hurdles. How will we help him meet and dispose of them? If we are patient, understanding and kind, we already have gone a long way with him in this regard. But, we must be convinc­ ingly sure of God’s way of healing the sin-sick soul. The formulas are all in the Word. We must know them and know how to apply them. The inquir­ er may not be ready to disclose the

'P e n t a t l e t i S v a t t y e i t t n i By B en jam in W e iss

This month:


Mr. Weiss Co-Director, National Educators' Fellowship

W hy do some respond and others hesitate when the opportunity is given to come to Christ? What was your reaction? Yes, you may have come at once. You, with others, may have surged forward at the first op­ portunity. That’s good. But do you have the tendency to be critical of those who hesitate? Perhaps you have censored yourself for not being more understanding and helpful. To make a decision for Christ is life’s greatest crisis. We who have stepped across the line believe that everyone should real­ ize the great value of such a decision

Do you have a planned program that meets the " needs of all your adults—the young marrieds who I are striving to establish themselves in life, who are in a period of adjustment and achievement. . . the middle-aged adults who occupy positions o f re- I sponsibility, and in many cases are concerned I about the spiritual welfare of their growing children . . . the older folks who may be in life’s most severe I testing time, due to physical, financial, and emo- | tional problems? _ If your adult program is not meeting today’s I vital spiritual needs, it will pay you to send for this folder. It shows how your adult program affects the whole church. It provides a plan for increasing the I effectiveness of your adult ministry. You’ll learn how S cripture P ress Bible-based lessons stress application—living the truths learned. And you’ll find out how the teaching helps and organizational suggestions can make your job as a Sunday School leader much easier. Adults make up the largest group in your com­ munity. They’re important to your Church and I Sunday School. Take this step to greater effective- ■ness. Send for this free folder today.


“Adults...theirspiritual?: needs and how to meet them."

Here Is why more and more schools each year use Scripture Press All-Bible Graded Sunday School lessons. They’re . .. all - bible — not just selected Scripture portions, but the entire Word. graded DEPARTMENTALLY— Bible portions adapted to interests and understanding of pupils as they grow. Edu­ cationally as well as Scripturally sound. correlated — to tie all parts of a lesson to one central lesson truth. tim ely — freshly edited each quarter to meet each pupil’s needs with Scripture to live by. proved — by successful teachers in over 70 denomina­ tions on all 6 continents. a d a pta b le — to any size school, for every age-level. com plete — everything to aid in teaching, to stimulate Bible learning. 1. 4. S.

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