King's Business - 1959-09

By Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D., Librarian and Professor of Library Science at B IO LA

The Gospel in Dispute By Edmund Perry

Did i Say That? By Leslie B. Blynn

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What the author means by this title is that the Christian message is thrown into focus by comparing it with the other missionary religions of the world -—- Judaism (really not so missionary), Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. He contends to begin with that in no part of the world does Christianity hold real sovereign in­ fluence, but is rather only one of sev­ eral religious faiths contending for the interest and commitment of a largely uncommitted, and to an aston­ ishing extent non-committal, public. The central fortresses of each of these other religions must be stormed, but in the meantime Christians must ex­ pect the same storming of their own citadel. If there is to be any true advance towards Christianizing the world it can only come if we purge ourselves of indefensible accretions to the true gospel, and understand fully the basic elements in these other re­ ligions so we can detect their weak­ ness and attack them successfully. Some will be disappointed in the author’s failure to rely more heavily upon the power of the Spirit in carry­ ing on the advance of God’s work on earth, but all readers will find them­ selves in need of some restudy of their positions in the light of the magnitude of the opposition. 230 pages; cloth; Doubleday & Co., New York; $3:95. I Know Whom I Have Believed By O. E. Phillips The author of this book has come through a developing experience of Christian growth and conviction and has had a long ministry in the evan­ gelistic field and for a time in the service of the Biblical Research Society. He has traveled to the Middle East and studied intimately those matters concerning Biblical prophecy in particular. This book is a discus­ sion of the main features of apolo­ getics with a good deal of attention being paid to what we call the natural theology elements and the prophetic aspects. One lengthy section deals with fulfilled prophecy; another with the Scriptures as inspired revelation. There is a Scripture index but no sub­ ject index. 319 pages; cloth; Hebrew Christian Fellowship, Inc., 1643 Chew Ave., Philadelphia 41, Pa. (wholesale distributors: Dunham Publishing Co., Findlay, Ohio); $3.75.

According to an old proverb, “A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows sharper with constant use.” As a subdivision of Biblical personal ethics, the problem concerns every Christian. The author of this book has set forth in a charming way the chief forms of tongue-activity, shall we say, and calls on his readers to become master of the spoken word, which sometimes after it is spoken be­ comes master of him. Some of us are verbal litterbugs, and this can be a sin. 129 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville, Term.; $2.50. Men Spake From God Studies in the Hebrew Prophets By H. L. Ellison Here is a survey volume covering the writings of both major and minor prophets. An introductory chapter deals with the phenomena of prophecy in general and unfulfilled prophecy in particular. Treatments are of necessity brief, but they deal with introductory matters and present an outline with some fill-in material. These studies will help if one will read them before taking up the text of the Bible, but they will not in any way substitute for a careful reading of the books themselves. The writer is theological editor for Paternoster Press in Lon­ don, and is one of Britain’s staunchest evangelicals. 160 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdman’s Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $3.00. Dr. Roddy, professor of Homiletics at Fuller Seminary, has brought to­ gether here personal statements by eleven well-known preachers on how they prepare sermons with two sam­ ples each from their pens. It is a most fascinating and profitable experience to compare the various ways that these men work. Each of them is an ex­ pository preacher, so that the methods and the results are of significance to every pastor who desires a Biblical ministry in the pulpit. 190 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $3.25. Recommended books on sole from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. Fast mail order service available. We Prepare and Preach Edited by Clarence S. Roddy

Use the new book let, “Another Gospel” writ­ ten by the author of the book “Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave.” 15 for $1— 100 for $5 The book — 82.95

W. J. Schnell The Author


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