King's Business - 1959-09

The tragedy of the situation is compounded by the fact that Dr. Gill not only remains welcome in the United Pres­ byterian Church, but also that he has been elevated to a position of outstanding responsibility in heading up one of the larger seminaries of the denomination which is yearly turning out a large number of young men who will be filling Presbyterian pulpits in the years that lie ahead. The same newspaper accounts which told of the confir­ mation of Dr. Gill also e n u m e r a t e d the numerous social welfare resolutions which were adopted by the conclave. Among others, it was stated, that the General Assembly, (1) endorsed birth control, (2) urged abolition of capital punishment, (3) deplored laws either banning or requiring union shop agreements, (4) urged congregations to encour­ age voluntary abstinence from liquor. It would seem that the time and money involved in a great gathering such as the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church could be spent far more effectively in studying anew the Westminster Confession of Faith and the great, vital truths which it enunciates. The Assembly would have had vastly greater significance if once again it had proclaimed the words, "Thus saith the Lord. " There are many organizations as a d e q u a t e l y qualified as is the United Presbyterian Church to issue pronouncements upon the above-mentioned social welfare programs ; but such organizations are not qualified to proclaim the eternal truths of God's Word. That is the supreme task of the Church of Jesus Christ. When an individual or a great denomination backs away from its high and holy calling, they no longer deserve the sup­ port of God's people. It was encouraging to note that among those who endeav­ ored to block the confirmation of Dr. Gill were men like Dr. Clarence Kerr, retired pastor of the Glendale Presby­ terian Church; Dr. W. Clarence Wright, of the Wilshire Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles ; and Dr. William B. Livingstone of the First Presbyterian Church of San Diego, all of them prominent pastors in Southern California, as well as Dr. Albert J. Lindsey, pastor the First Presbyterian Church of Tacoma, and a few other Bible-believing men of God. The tragedy was that there were so few willing to let their voices be heard against this most unfortunate action. precious moments with PRECIOUS ^ LIVES . . . make them count with ASSU lessons The lessons you teach today in ments of your Sunday school, your Sunday school may well from beginners through adults, help determine the future of ASSU Bible-centered Sunday your students. When you teach school materials present the God’ s Word, every minute whole truth of the Bible. The counts. Make sure you select Gospel is emphasized through- Union lessons for all depart- out and Christ is made pre­ eminent. Send for free sample materials today to Dept. K59 A m e r i c a n S u n d a y - S c h o o l u n i o n Suppliers of religious material to Sunday Schools for over a century. 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.

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