King's Business - 1959-09


(A monthly column of the activities of Christian Leaders)

Miss Eugenia Price, Christian author and radio producer, will be one of the three featured speakers at the Sixth Annual Christian Writers Association of Canada, held at the Toronto Bible College October 16-17. Others to be heard will be Miss Rosalind Rinker and Mr. George M. Bowman. Rev. Richard H. Ellingson, executive secretary of the American Bible Society, has resigned to become the pastor of the Zion Lutheran Church of Clear Lake, Iowa. He has served with the ABS for ten years with his prime responsibility the distribution of the Scriptures in the United States. Rev. Stuart P. Garver has been ap­ pointed co-director of Christ’s Mission, working with Dr. Walter M. Montano. Mr. Garver was formerly registrar of the Providence-Barrington Bible Col­ lege and has been a member of the Mission’s board for five years. Dr. Irwin A. Moon, director of the Moody Institute of Science, has an­ nounced that a new MIS film on sense perception will be distributed this fall. “Windows of the Soul,” will show how the energy of silent sound can make objects float in mid-air or even cause an ordinary cork-screw to drill a spiral hole through a piece of glass. Mr. Willis Mayfield, manager of the radio division of Moody Bible In­ stitute, has announced that call letters for MBI’s new East Moline Illinois radio station will be WDLM (the initials of Dwight L. Moody). Many of the programs will be carried by direct wire from Chicago’s WMBI. Construction work began in June, -and at the same time the organization was granted a permit to build an FM station for Chicago. Dr. Carl A. Mclntire, president of the International Council of Churches, has participated in a week long session of meetings in the European Evangelical Conference in Oslo, Norway. Others participating from the United States were Dr. Allan A. MacRae and the Rev. Robert Ryerse. Dr. Joseph MacAvley, Mr. Harry Dixon Loes, and Mrs. C. Evelyn Baer, were awarded first, second and third prizes respectively in the recently conducted “ General Purpose Songs” contest, sponsored by the Zondervan Music Publishers of Grand Rapids. The prize winning selections will be featured in forthcoming publications.

Dr. Gate A. Risley, executive secretary of the National Sunday School As­ sociation, has announced that the or­ ganization, after nearly 15 years, has purchased their own buildings located in the busy Chicago Loop area. Dedication services were announecd by Rev. Bert Webb, Springfield Missouri, president of the NSSA, for September 13th. Rev. J. O. Percy, general secretary of the Interdenominational Foreign Mis­ sions Association, has requested urgent prayer for the establishment of a mis­ sionary radio station in Europe. “ Over six hundred million souls are at stake and we cannot fail them in this hour of opportunity.” Dr. Clarence Jones, director of the World Missionary Radio Fellowship (HCJB), has completed a tour of radio activities in India. Programs are now beamed in four Indian languages from the Far East Broadcasting Company in Manila. Dr. Jones is continuing his worldwide survey of Gospel radio. Dr. Everett F. Harrison, and Dr. Geof­ frey W. Bromiley, both of the faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary; and Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, editor of “ Christianity Today” ; have prepared a new volume, “ Dictionary of Theology,” to be pub­ lished by the Baker Book House of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Articles for the book have been written by 125 different theologians. Rev. Clifton E. Gregory, superintendent of the City Mission of Cleveland, has been re-elected president of the Inter­ national Union of Gospel Missions, at the organization’s 46th annual con­ vention held recently in Bakersfield, California. Francis Crumley, Leonard Hunt, and Clarence E. Chamberlain were other officers elected by the group. Dr. Jâmes Z. Nettinga, director of the Worldwide Bible Reading program of the American Bible Society, has an­ nounced the theme, “ The Everlasting Light,” for the 16th consecutive year of the association’s program. Decem­ ber 6 through 13 has been designated as Universal Bible Week. Over 50 denominations helped to select the theme. Dr. and Mrs. Oswald J. Smith, of the Peoples Church of Toronto, Canada, were recently received at Bucking­ ham Palace. The Queen was touring Canada at the time. They were also privileged to visit the House of Parlia­ ment as well as other places of historic interest.


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