M any B ible scholars consider the zenith of the Olivet Discourse to be found in Matthew 24:21, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” “Tribulation” is a very interest ing word. It is set in an agricultural background. It represents an imple ment like a flail which was used to beat out the grain. Having sharp edges it separated the kernels from the chaff. That is what the great tribulation will accomplish. God sep arates the true remnant of believers from apostates as the grain is re moved from the chaff. The Greek word also indicates that this time is to be period of severe testing. Some times the word is translated by “afflic tion.” We also need to note the source of the tribulation. There is no doubt that believers today experience tribu lation. But they will not experience the tribulation of which we study here. The difficulties a Christian ex periences are primarily from the world. The secular society can never understand a true Christian living for the Lord Jesus Christ. Looking at the Epistles we also note trials for believers in another area, Paul points out how some saints are wretched toward other believers. Philippians 1:14-19 indicates t h i s very clearly. These men did every thing in their power to frustrate the ministry of God’s servant. They even hypocritically professed to be defend ing the Gospel at the same time. (We have some of those brethren around today.) There is a third reason why believ ers are troubled. This is because they don’t mind their own business. In I Peter 4:12 we are told how not to suffer. Our primary trouble is that we are busybodies. Peter says if you live this kind of life you have a per
fect right to suffer and to be slapped down. Tribulation for the Christian comes from a three-fold source: the world, the brethren, and our own stu pidity. But here in the Olivet Dis course, tribulation comes from none of these sources. The even t is brought about by God Himself. The testing comes because of God’s love for His ancient people Israel. She is still His covenant people and He in tends to be faithful to His promises.
Dr. Ralph L. Keiper,editorial research direc tor for the Evangelical Foundation, Philadel phia, will continue his series of stimulating messages during Novemberon'The Biola Hour.'
He wants a holy people, however, and He must winnow them as one would separate the chaff from the grain. The Bible describes the intensity, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever 19
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