Biola Broadcaster - 1964-11

of God that we may be able to with­ stand the fiery darts of the wicked one. * * * Some people are easilyentertained; all you have to do is sit down and listen to them. • * * PROPHETIC WARNINGS I t is interesting and sobering to hear how men of learning, from vari­ ous areas of life, are realizing the gravity of the hour in which we are living. Dr. Paul A. Schilpp of the University of Wisconsin, r e c e n tly wrote these -penetrating words, “For a number of years we have been told that humanity is ‘at the crossroads.’ Aside from the fact that we have all grown tired of this old cliche, the slo­ gan is no longer true. Humanity today stands before the abyss, and how soon we may be hurled into this abyss, as a result of the inventive power of our own creative minds, no one actually knows. But among people who know ' the facts, the fear is growing that the time is very short indeed. So short, in fact, that we can no longer speak in terms of generations, or even in terms of decades, but probably only in years below two digit figures. It seems to me, however, that what makes it in­ finitely worse is the fact that leaders of the church, of science and of the universities insist, in general, on con­ tinuing to act as i f nothing has hap­ pened.” When men of learning sound such clarion calls, we would do well to take heed. Back in 1860 the French scientist, Pierre Berchelt, penned these inter­ esting words to members of his pro­ fession, “Within a hundred years of physical and chemical science, man will know what the atom is. I t is my belief that when science reaches this state, God unll come down to earth with His big ring of keys and unll say to humanity, 'Gentlemen, it is clos­ ing time.’ ” The practical exhortation of Scripture is, “Be ye also patient; stdblish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh” (James 5:8).

Mr. leonard Fleming, registrarof Biota's Ari­ zona Bible College, reports an Increase in the student body for 1964 (more than 10) at­ tending this importantand growingtraining center in theSouthwest.

The reason some people get lost in thought is because it's such unfamiliar ter­ ritory to them. * * * LIVING A LIE « The Bible reminds us that we are to let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths. A little boy was watching his neighbor, who was a preacher, hammer up a trellis in his back yard. The child’s mother came over to see what was going on. She asked her son why he was so en­ grossed in what the minister was do­ ing. The little boy responded by say­ ing, “O Mommie, I’m just watching to see what he is going to say when he hits his finger.” The world is watching us today, wondering how we will react to various circumstances which come our way. We need to make certain that the manner in which we live is real not just on Sundays but throughout the rest of the week. In Colossians 3:9, we are told, “Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds.” Have you ever stopped to realize that one of the hardest things for a Chris­ tian is to keep from lying. This does not mean telling untruths, but rather pretending to be something that one is not. The Ten Commandments warn, “Take not the name of the Lord your God in vain.” This not only means actual blasphemy with the lips, but also profanity with the life. May God help us to be true to His Word. 22

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