his heavy army boot. The Christian instead of being disturbed, went right on praying. Cursing in vile times the sergeant left the room. Awaking the next morning he was astonished to find his previously dirty muddy boots by the side of his bed all neatly and perfectly polished. Although he had been wrongfully assaulted the private had returned good for evil. As a re sult the toughened sergeant gave his heart to Jesus Christ. The Word of God suggests, “For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our con versation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward” (II Cor. 1 : 12 ) . * A short prayer will readily reach the throne of grace, providing you don't live too far away. THE DROOPING LEAVES There is an interesting compass plant which grows in Texas. It is usually three to six feet high. AU of its leaves point north and south. His torians tell us that in this manner Indians were able to tell their direc tions even at night. While some dis counted the fact as an old wives’ fable, a careful scientist discovered that the young leaves, standing edgeways to the earth, always point north and south. The older leaves, however, which have become loaded with dust and dirt, lose their strength and may be found pointing in all directions. What a spiritual lesson there is here for every Christian. It shows us how we should be like the compass plant, always pointing to the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to take care so as not to let sin come into our lives. Like the leaves which become covered with dust and dirt, we too will fail to point to Christ. So may we follow the Scriptural exhortation, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 1 :2 3 ). 23 * *
The most destructive acid in all the world may be found in a sour disposition. * * * BUILDING WITH TRIALS There is an unusual church over in Japan. It was built some years ago by the earnest hands of those who had been severely persecuted by others about them. Steeped in heathenism, a small band of faithful believers joined together through a purposeful cove nant that they would build a church where they might worship the true and living God. This all the more in furiated the pagan-steeped people of the village. Frequently, while the Christians sought to carry on their work, the villagers would throw stones at them and, as a result, killed and in jured a great number. Still the work grew and the stones which were thrown at the faithful Christians were gathered and neatly assembled to be used in the building of the church itself. I t became a monument to the Lord and to spiritual victory even amid severest trials. When the people of the village saw the way in which the stones were used, many of them turned to the knowledge of the One true God. Scripture rightly re minds us that we can count those happy who endure for the cause of Christ, for to them the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercies. * * * There aren't enough crutches in all the world for any lame excuse which is offered for not engaging in soul winning. * * * GOOD FOR EVIL Have you ever found it difficult to be patient when people around you disregard and even profane the name of Christ? A tough, hardened army sergeant testified how he came to know the Lord as his personal Sav iour. Day after day he became more irritated with a new Christian recruit who always read his Bible and prayed. One evening, seeing the young man down on his knees, he became so in furiated that he went over and gave him a severe clout on the head using
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