an attractive effect upon one who might not be touched any other way to realize that the love of God so dwells in you that you are touched with human need, especially for one with whom you have blood ties. Q , Sacramento, California — “Was the book of Galatians written to Jews or to Gentiles?” RICH OR POOR I wonder what a millionaire. Must feel like when it's time; To leave this world and all its wealth, With nothing, not a dime: It must be awful standing there, When you have had so much: And when you know you've only lived, For money, fame and such. It isn't what you've had that counts. Or what you've left behind It's what you've done with what you've had, For God and all mankind: For money has no value when Before the Lord we stand: It's too late then to give to those. Who need a helping hand. But whether we be poor or rich, There's one thing that's for sure: We better settle what we owe, To God for Calvary: Where Jesus died and shed His blood, For all humanity. There's not a soul who ever lived, God's love could not afford; it's free to all and without price. Faith in a risen Lord: So if you are a millionaire, Or from the common set: Invest for God in souls of men, And you'll have no regret. —Walt Huntley It's easy to condemn the rich, When most of us are poor; A. It was written to Gentile Chris tians at Galatia. Doubtless there were Jewish Christians there also. Q . Phoenix, Arizona — “I f Jesus was bom without sin, how could He have
been tempted in all points like as we are?” A. Jesus certainly was born without sin. When the angel announced the birth of the Saviour to Mary the dec laration was, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; there fore also that holy thing (not just a child) which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). Christ was tempted along the lines of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. This is the way Satan tempted Adam and Eve, and mankind ever since. Christ HE DIED ALONE He made the earth, But it had no room for Him: He made the rock, And it was a tomb for Him. He made the steel Which pierced to the heart of Him, The embedded thorns Which became a part of Him. He gave their breath To the mob which jeered at Him: He molded the shape Of the faces which leered at Him. Yet never a tear Did the multitude shed for Him, Though the sin of us all Lay heavy as lead on Him. He called to God And God turned His face from Him: And He died alone— Marvelous grace of Him! —Martha Snell Nicholson was tempted to show that He could not fall. When cars run over a newly constructed bridge it is to test its strength not its weakness. So often we equate temptations with a yielding to temptation. It is not a sin to be tempted; it is only sin to respond to temptation. Q . San Diego, California— “Why did God make some people rich and other peo ple poor?” 34
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