GABRIELLE VINETTE gabrielle.vinette@eap.on.ca
With the recent installation of a roun- dabout in Embrun and another under construction in Limoges, the Russell County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has seen a rise in calls asking about the rules on roundabouts. Russell Township, along with other neigh- bouring municipalities, has begun installing roundabouts at busy intersections in the QBTUGFXZFBST*O&NCSVO UIFSFBSFUXP roundabouts almost one after the other on St-Guillaume Road near the Ultramar gas TUBUJPO "8 BOE4UBSCVDLT*O-JNPHFT its first roundabout will be built at the inter- section of Limoges Road (County Road 5) and Route 300. "My decision to post the educational piece was due to officers, including myself, being questioned about the rules of the road concerning roundabouts. Possibly the addi- tion of the traffic circles on St-Guillaume and Limoges Road are causing more interest," said Acting Staff Sergeant Shaun Cameron. 5IF3VTTFMM011TIBSFEBMJOLUPUIF Government of Ontario website with tips on how to use roundabouts. 8IFOFOUFSJOHBSPVOEBCPVU ESJWFSTNVTU WJTVBMMZDIFDLBMMWFIJDMFTJOUIFSPVOEBCPVU and those waiting to enter, including cyclists and pedestrians at crossings. Traffic in the SPVOEBCPVUIBTUIFSJHIUPGXBZ8IFOFOUF - ring, drivers should pay special attention to vehicles on the left. Drivers must adjust their speed or stop at the yield sign if necessary, and wait for a safe opportunity to enter the roundabout when there is an adequate gap in traffic. Drivers can’t enter directly beside
Les municipalités installant de plus en plus de carrefours giratoires, la Police provinciale de l'Ontario du comté de Russell a reçu un plus grand nombre d'appels de résidents qui veulent connaître les règles applicables aux carrefours giratoires. (OPP du comté de Russell)
another vehicle already in the roundabout, as that vehicle may be exiting at the next exit. 0ODFJOUIFSPVOEBCPVU BMXBZTLFFQUP the right of the central island and travel in BDPVOUFSDMPDLXJTFEJSFDUJPO%POPUTUPQ unless it is necessary to avoid a collision. Do not change lanes while in the roundabout. If a driver misses their exit, they must continue around until they reach their exit again. 8IFOFYJUJOHBSPVOEBCPVU ESJWFSTNVTU signal and watch for pedestrians. They should stay to the left if they entered from the left lane or stay to the right if they entered from the right lane. Once the driver has passed
the exit before the one they want, they should use their right-turn signal. If exiting from the left lane, drivers should watch for vehicles on the right that may continue circulating around the roundabout. For pedestrians or cyclists who want to DSPTT UIFZNVTUEJTNPVOUBOEXBMLUIFJS CJLFTBDSPTT5PJOEJDBUFUIBUBQFEFTUSJBO intends to cross, they should press the but- ton to activate the beacon flash. Pedestrians must ensure drivers have seen them and wait until traffic has come to a complete stop before crossing safely. Drivers must wait until all pedestrians
&/#3&'r#3*&'4 STATIONNEMENT D’HIVER DE RUSSELL VAS VENIR D’UN SYSTÈME D’ALARME Du 1er novembre 2024 au 1er avril 2025, les règles de stationnement du canton de Russell sont passées à un système d’alerte. Ainsi, il n’y aura plus d’interdiction de stationnement nocturne dans les rues. Une alerte sera émise lorsque cinq centimètres ou plus de neige ou de pluie verglaçante sont prévus, informant les résidents qu’une interdiction sera en vigueur. L’alerte sera envoyée avant 14 heures pour la période suivante de 1 heure à 7 heures. Ces alertes seront envoyées aux abonnés du canton par courriel, sur Facebook, Instagram et X, ainsi que sur les quatre panneaux LED. - Gabrielle Vinette, EAP have fully crossed their side of the crossover. The OPP will continue to patrol local roads, including roundabouts, to ensure motorists are following the rules of the road and to QSPWJEFFEVDBUJPOUPUIFQVCMJD5IFZBTL members of the public to report any traffic concerns or complaints they might have.
Photo 1 : À l’approche d’un rond-point, les conducteurs doivent repérer les panneaux de signalisation pour choisir leur sortie. Choisissez votre voie comme vous le feriez pour n’importe quelle autre intersection. Photo 2 : En entrant, utilisez la voie de gauche pour tourner à gauche ou aller tout droit, et la voie de droite pour tourner à droite ou aller tout droit. Photo 3 : Pour sortir, le conducteur doit signaler sa sortie avec son clignotant droit et faire attention aux piétons. Il doit conserver sa voie et sa position et sortir par la voie de droite. (Gouvernement de l’Ontario)
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