King's Business - 1950-10



I | I R E V I E W S I ^ll¡llllllllllllll!!llllll!!!lllllllllllll!lllllllll!K!l!llll1l!llllllllllllllllllll!!lllllllllllllllll1ll!!!ll!llll!i!l!llllllllllíl By Margaret Jacobsen All recommended books may be obtained from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. THE LIFE O F THE APOSTLE PAUL By Albert Barnes This is not a book to be read in an evening, but a study book to be re­ ferred to throughout life. It is rich in detail. However, in the reading of its quiet scholarly prose, the reader becomes identified with Paul in a spine-tingling awareness of heaven and hell, God’s plan fo r re­ demption, Christ as the judge o f all the earth and in an awful knowledge that every soul must give account of himself to God. This book illumines Scripture. 496 pages, Baker Book House, Grand Rap­ ids, Mich. Cloth. Price $3.50. THE JEW IN THE PLAN O F GO D By Robert L. Evans This is a readable, documented out­ line o f the history o f the Jewish race from Abraham to the recent establish­ ment o f the nation Israel as well as an outline o f God’s prophetic plan for His chosen people. 192 pages, Loi- zeaux Brothers, New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $2.25. This little silver volume o f Scrip­ tural comfort is designed to be used to turn the hearts o f bereaved ones to the Lord. 52 pages, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Paper. Price 60 cents. BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES O F PRAYER By Keith L. Brooks This is another in a series o f prac­ tical question and answer study books on Christian themes. The student must go to the Bible for the answer. 32 pages, American Prophetic League, Inc., Los Angeles 41, Calif. Paper. Price 25 cents. CHRIST, CHR ISTIAN ITY AND B O O K WHEN LOVED ONES ARE CA LLED HOM E By Herbert H. Wernecke

Mr. John Thomas

Mr. T. D. Stevens

he has an excellent series o f adresses on “ How to Win Men and Women to Christ.” The prayers o f our readers for these valuable workers are requested.

* | 'HREE new workers have been A added to the field and extension departments o f the Bible Institute: Mr. John Thomas o f Santa Cruz, Mr. Jack B. Findley o f Los Angeles, and Mr. T. D. Stevens o f Alhambra. Their wide experience in business as well as their labors for Christ have fitted these men to represent the school. Mr. Thomas o f the Twin Lakes Baptist Church of Santa Cruz has been an active Gideon and Mr. Findley, as a member o f the musical evangelistic team o f “ Jack and Joe” , has minis­ tered extensively in churches, prisons, missions, etc.; these two men have joined the field work staff and will be calling in the homes o f friends o f the Institute. Mr. Stevens, who has been successful in personal evangelism, will work under the extension department; power in business, labor, education, religion and social service. He lists 34 liberties in Christ and 7 lies o f Com­ munism. The thesis o f the book is that the only way to combat Commu­ nism is to more aggressively preach Christ. 139 pages, The Standard Pub­ lishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Cloth. Price $2.00. Biographical s t u d i e s , especially slanted for young people, o f thirteen Old Testament characters from Abra­ ham to Esther make up this book. The choice o f material is excellent and practical application o f Scripture is made upon many phases o f a young person’s life. 137 pages, Baker Book STEPS TO NEBO By J. A . Van Gorkom

« f l Mr. J. B. Findley

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House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. HOM ILETIC THESAURUS ON THE This is a comprehensive selection and classification o f excellent homi­ letic material for use with the Gospel o f Matthew. Its compiler is a retired Lutheran minister. 336 pages, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Cloth. Price $4.50. BEHIND THE PURPLE CURTA IN By Walter M. Montano This is a study o f Roman Catholic totalitarianism, especially in Latin America, by the “ monk who lived again.” 327 pages, Cowman Publica­ tions, Los Angeles, Calif. Cloth. Price $3.00. GOSPELS— MATTHEW By Harold F. J. Elllngsen


A Christian professor o f economics points up the threat to freedom in­ volved in the growing concentration o f

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