King's Business - 1950-10

Lord. It was a deal made by Jacob and was a proof of his unbelief and lack of trust. Later on Joseph commanded the people to give Pharaoh 20%. He was far better to the heathen king than Jacob was to the eternal God. God’s plan of giving in New Testament days is that we consider that all of our possessions belong to God and we get His permission to keep back some of it. When we recog­ nize that we and all we possess belong to the Saviour who has bought us with His precious blood, then the matter of giving becomes a simple matter and we shall not count the 10% as our total of giving but only the beginning of it. We Are To Lay By A s God Has Prospered 1 Cor. 16:1 We should certainly give to God all that we possibly can. We always want Him to give to us liberally and abun­ dantly. Sometimes we feel bad if the Lord does not give lavishly. Turn about is fair play. How does He feel when we spend four dollars on the theater and give twenty-five cents in the church col­ lection? We gladly buy a better car and pay cash but hesitate about giving the Lord $25.00. God is interested in how much we hold back and in the value we place upon His work, His love, and His people. We Are To Lay By Gladly and Abundantly 2 Cor. 9:7 Those who sow sparingly can hardly expect a great crop. Those who give little to God should not expect big re­ turns. Those who feel that divine things do not merit much of an investment will receive very little from their invest­ ment. It is God’s will and plan that we should sow abundantly and unsparingly in His harvest fields so that we may see abundant harvest for His glory. Let us, however, be careful to invest in those things which exalt the Lord Jesus, honor the Word of God, and are true to the faith of our fathers. We Are To Lay By Because We Love Him Psa. 30:12 True lovers rarely squeeze the nickels. Those who live to please the flesh leave many dollars in the saloons at each visit. Those who patronize the world’s shows pay well for the best seats. Those who love the ball game support it liberally by purchasing season tickets at a great price. If we love our Lord, we will cer­ tainly be liberal in bringing joy to His heart and gladness to His Son. We will want the Holy Spirit to have our best because love expresses itself in giving. Let us ask -whether our giving proves very much love. We Are To Lay By For The Glory o f God Acts 3 :6 God’s business prospers as God’s people support it. This support is by prayer as well as by giving. It is. sup­ port by earnest effort and resourceful-

ness. The bills must be paid. Materials must be purchased; buildings must be erected; students must be trained. All of this takes money. The money thus in­ vested is described as being laid up in Heaven above. We get credit for it over there. Nothing is lost that is given to our Lord for the growth of His work of grace. n A N E W C H O R U S _ _ _ _ _ _ E A C H M O N T H Join the C horus of the M onth C lub . W rite . . . Sunsh ine Gospe l M iss ion 604 N. Clark St. Dept. K Chicago 10, 111.

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