King's Business - 1950-10

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The King Who Stopped Too Soon (Continued from Page 13)

But character — even Christian character— does not “ grow on trees.” Elisha’s soul had developed the hard way. He knew what it was to trudge behind a plow; he was acquainted with all the vicissitudes o f a farmer’s life. Even after he “ entered the min­ istry,” he did not live in a palace. Spiritual stature is not obtained by self-indulgence. But the men o f char­ acter would become embittered by their lot if they had not “ the root o f the matter” in them. You cannot erect a substantial edifice on a flimsy foun­ dation. They believed in God; they believed the Word o f God; conse­ quently, all their hardships were con­ sidered but testings, which helped to forge them by the fires of affliction, shaping them into noble vessels. But Elisha was not quite finished. Although at the very gates o f death, he had one or two more lessons to impart before he departed to be with the Lord. The young monarch was mystified at the prophet’s instructions to take his bow and arrow, open the window and fire to the east. The shak­ ing, wasted hands o f the dying prophet guided the missile as it sped on its way. “ The arrow o f the Lord’s deliver­ ance,” prophesied Elisha. It. was a symbolic gesture o f defiance against Israel’s Enemy No. 1 o f that day— the Syrians. It was a sign that Joash must not give up the struggle now that his mentor was going to leave him. Alas, many a strong father has a weak son! We do not hear much of the successors o f the great crusaders. Where are the heirs o f Wilberforce, Beecher, Livingstone? One more effort old lion-heart made before his great spirit took its flight. “ Smite upon the ground,” he com­ manded, in his quavering voice. Wondering, the young monarch obeyed, but his feeble efforts revealed to the dying man the fact that his hopes rested on a poor foundation. Joash lacked perseverance— that re­ lentless spirit of doggedly “ going at it,” come iwhat may— the only spirit that wins lost causes. “ Thou shouldest (Continued on Page 25) O C T O B E R , 1 9 5 0


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