King's Business - 1950-10

The King Who Stopped Too Soon (Continued from Page 23)

A G E N T S W A N T E D FOR PAS-CAL VITAMINS An Independent Business— Full or Part Time Multi-Vitamins (9 vit.-6 min.) 100-32.50 ; 200-34.50 B-Complex (with Liver&Iron) 100-2.25 ;200- 4.26 Liver-Iron & B1 ...........................100- 2.10; 200- 4.00 Vitamin C— 260 mg............................100-3.25; 200- 6.00 Vitamin A— 25000 U ..........................100-3.00; 200- 5.50 Vitamin E— 30 I. XL ................. 100- 2.76; 200- 5.26 Bone Calcium (with Vit. D )..1 0 0 - 1.10; 200- 2.00 PAS-CAL CO., 1044 Walnut St., Pasadena, Cal. A PENNY A DAY (Not such . a large sum to invest for eternity) Will give spiritual sight to the blind HOW? For information write to THE CHR IST IAN A SSO C IAT ION FOR THE BLIND, INC. 430 East 141st Street - - - New York 54, N . Y . Chas. E. Gremmels, P res.; J. E. Bennet, Treas.

Make good money sell­ ing our quick moving merchandise. Complete |line of Bibles, Books,


^Mottoes, Greeting Cards, Calendars, Sunday School Supplies. Easy pleasant work—Liberal Commissions. ■■■■■■■■■■■■a WHITE TODAY FOR FULL DETAILS THE H IG LEY PR E S S Dept. K-10 Butler, Ind. Thousands o f Catholics doubt their religion. Many are being saved. Give them Reasons Why I Conscientiously Cannot Be a Roman Catholic. A 24-page pamphlet by Michael J. Anzalone, Evangelist and former Catholic. An ex-lawyer pastor-evangelist says this pamphlet contains more documented facts than anything he has ever seen. Excellent also for Protestants. For maximum distribution please accept very special offer of 20 copies for $1 or 100 for $4. Order direct from M. J. Anzalone, Box 54, N . Sq. Sta., Buffalo, N . Y.

have smitten five or six times,” moaned Elisha, “ then hadst thou smit­ ten Syria till thou hadst consumed it: whereas now thou shalt smite Syria but thrice.” We can picture the young sovereign hearing with dismay this pronounce­ ment o f his future. He meant well,, no doubt, like many a youth o f today; he was pleasant, kindly, considerate— but he lacked that indomitable spirit which will not submit to injustice, and never give up. Today we put too much emphasis on personality— that which “ wins friends and influences people.” It is fine for business, for getting along with people, but it makes us tolerant and compromising in our attitude toward sin. Elisha had iron in his make-up. With him, right came first, friendship second. Some men want peace at any price; Elisha preterred war with the enemies of tme Lord. Life is not one hard battle, then a long armistice. The battle is unremit­ ting and unending. The object lesson o f the quiver has taught us that “ There is no discharge in this war.” Paul repeated the challenge in his words, “ Fight the good fight o f faith,” “ so run that ye may obtain,” “ pray without ceasing.” May God in His providence raise up some Elishas for our day. The Amusement-Mad World If ever there was a time when men and women ought to be serious, this is the day; and yet people today are pleasure-mad. You find people all over the land turning away from the things o f God and turning to fables or devoting themselves to pleasure in its most extravagant forms — any­ thing to give them a new sensation, a neW amusement. Did you ever think o f that word “ amusement” ? David said, “While I was musing the fire burned.” “ Muse” means “ to think.” But in “ amuse” the “ a” is the negative; so “ amuse” means “ to not think”—and the devil is busy today with all kinds o f devices to keep men from thinking. I f men think, there is some hope of their salvation. — H. A. Ironside O C T O B E R , 1 9 5 0

mmesy/Eum • “Because of my worthlessness, I am in prison. I have so many troubles and every day I used to be very nervous. But now I read the Gospel, I have peace. After I finish my day’s work, I read from the Gospel until I go to I sleep at night. It grieves me that there are so many things that I cannot understand. If you would help me I would appreciate It. Enclosed is my decision card. Please send me a Testament.” HOHEN KIN, TOKYO

• Countless thousands of "prisoners” of Satan hovebeen released through the nation-wide campaignof evangelizationandScripture distribution of PTL now under way in Japan. This greatwork is sustained by the prayers and sharingof the Lord's people in America. Your continued interest is needed. POCKET TESTAMENTLEAGUE, 156 f IfT-HtiVtnUE.n€Uf V 0 tUJITAtRSPOOfl BLDG.PHILADELPHIA 7 .PA.

MymnsoftheChristianCife 18th EDITION! A large dynamic hymnal. Emphasizes evangelism, missions and the deeper life. • 504 songs e Complete indexes • Responsive readings • Round notes cloth edition only $1.25 aach postpaid $ 110.00 a 100 , carriage ‘fcxtra. SONG BOOKS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS Specially prepared for Bible Conferences, Mis­ sionary Conventions, Evangelistic Campaigns, Youth for Christ Rallies. Palmsof Victory Inspiring hymns, new as well as old. 138 songs. Two color cover. Reinforced manila binding. $22.50 a hundred. Single copy 25c. Zlteflew CrusadeSongs Over: 100,000 copies sold. 107 favorite numbers. Reinforced manila binding. $17.50 per hundred. Single copy, 20c.



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