King's Business - 1950-10

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Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A. K ent , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A llison A rrowood

Lessen material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

Nov. 5, 1950 OVERCOMING TEMPTATION Matt. 4:8-11; John 6:15; Rom. 13:12-14; 1 Cor. 10:12, 13 Pointers On The Lesson

THE CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR Sixth and Hope (Downtown) Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Pastor

they wanted for their king. They be­ lieved He was the one spoken of by the prophets (v. 14). So they sought to make Him king at that time. But this was not God’s plan for His Son. This was not the time for the kingdom of the Messiah to be established. Before His royal dominion could be realized there had to be the Cross. It would have been easier to take the way suggested by Christ’s present admirers, but this was just another temptation of Satan to get Him to evade the Cross. How did Jesus overcome this temptation? By departing “again into a mountain him­ self alone.” If we would achieve victory in times of temptation, we too must experience the secret of aloneness with God. Jesus the Secret of Victory Paul here exhorts believers to “ cast off the works of darkness,” -to “put on the armour of light” (v. 12), to “walk honestly” as those who are the children of light. Furthermore, Christians ought not to be given to riotous and careless living (v. 13). But if the professed fol­ lowers of the Lord will truly put on the Lord Jesus Christ, all of these things will be included. This passage had much to do with the conversion of St. Au­ gustine. It ought to be studied in con­ nection with Colossians 3:1-17. As light banishes darkness, so Christ, vitally ex­ perienced, will enable the believer to have victory in his life. A Promise of Encouragement In temptation, trial or testing the child of God can always count on the faithfulness of God. He will not permit him to be tested beyond measure and in the testing God will provide strength and grace for successful endurance. God is faithful. T H E K I H S ’ S BUSINESS in Temptation Rom. 13:12-14 to the Tempted 1 Cor. 10:12,13


11:00 A.M .

7:30 P.M.

God expects every Christian to be an overcomer. He will be assailed by temp­ tations constantly—from the flesh, from the world, and from the god of this world who is the devil (2 Cor. 4:4). But God has provided the means where­ by the believer may overcome even the most terrific onslaughts of temptation, and He expects the believer to make use of these means to the end that he will be an overcomer. Moreover, he must ever be on guard lest in some moment of weakness he fall before some- subtle temptation. Jesus Tempted on the Mountain Matt. 4:8-11 In this account we have the wonder­ ful example of Jesus in dealing with temptation. The devil tempted the Son of God to take another way to victory than the way of the Cross. Satan offered Him the kingdoms of the world if He would but fall down and worship at his feet. There is a definite sense in which this present evil world belongs to Satan at the present time. He is the world’s greatest usurper. He is the god of this world since sin made its entrance back in the Garden of Eden. Thus it was possible for Satan to make such an offer as he did. How did our Lord resist this tempta­ tion? By the Word of God. “ It is writ­ ten,” said Jesus, and then quoted a passage from Deuteronomy which ex­ pressed the truth with respect to the object of worship. Let us take this lesson to heart. The only successful way to repel the devil is by God’s Word, which Satan fears. The person who lives by that Word will be an overcomer. Jesns Tempted at Galilee John 6:15 The remarkable miracle of the feeding of the five thousand was just concluded. What Jesus had done made a great im- ( pression upon those who observed it. > They said this was the kind of a man


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