Sunday school class? If not, remember that the early Christians had great joy and peace because they worshiped ac ceptably. Pray that God will find in you the worshiper whom He seeks.
go was to the temple on Mt. Gerizim. The Jews said a person must go to Jerusalem. The correct answer, as Jesus reveals it in this passage, is that place makes no difference. It is a matter of the spirit and since God is a Spirit and not confined to any particular place so an earnest person may meet God any where even where he now is. It is a wonderful thing to have the sense of God’s presence always and everywhere. Evidences of a Worshipful Attitude Col. 3:16 One who truly worships God will “ let the word of Christ” permeate his whole life. This is the only time the phrase “the word of Christ” appears in the New Testament. The true worshiper will seek to remember in a practical way all the teachings of Christ whether those set forth while He was upon the earth or those given by His Spirit since He ascended to Heaven. Think carefully, dear reader, do the teachings of Christ play a vital part in your daily living? Then, too, a singing spirit should char acterize the true worshiper of God. Something is wrong when a Christian cannot sing. Helps for the Children The Christians in Jerusalem Acts 2:37-47; Col. 3:16 Memory Verse: “Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God” (Psa. 147:1). Peter was preaching his first great sermon. Several thousands of people were eagerly listening to his every word. When the sermon was ended, the Holy Spirit convicted about three thousand people of their sin. Gladly they received the gospel and were baptized to testify of their new life in their Lord. Each day the new Christians met to hear more of their Saviour and to pray and have fellowship with other Christians. Gladly they sold their possessions and gave to those who had less than they. Each day others were saved and to gether they praised God and had favor with all of the people. Today, as then, worship included many things. Teaching, fellowship, prayer, praise, and giving are all parts of wor ship. Perhaps we are too young to do many of those things which make up the worship in our church, but each one of us has some phase that we may enjoy as we all work together to make a church that will truly honor our Lord. Some Christians and some groups of so-called Christians do not have favor with God nor man, because their wor ship is just a form—just a time when they come to visit with their friends or to show their new clothing to others or to try to impress some one with how “good” they are because they attend church. Remember that God looks at the heart. God is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Worshipers are the only ones that God is truly seek ing or searching for. Does He find a real worshiper in you in your church service or young people’s meeting or
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Nov. 26, 1950 THE STEWARDSHIP OF MONEY 2 Cor. 9:6-8; Phil. 4:10-18 Pointers on the Lesson
This is the first of three lessons on the subject of stewardship. In the two succeeding weeks we will study the stew ardship of life and the stewardship of the gospel. Today we consider the stew ardship of money. The word steward ship is big in its content. It has to do with the responsibility that rests upon individuals to care for the things of others. In a very definite sense every Christian is a steward. There has been committed to his care the things of God in this world. He is God’s representa tive. And, of course, in this responsi bility “ it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2). In money matters this principle maintains as well as in other phases of the Chris tian’s life. How It Should Be Discharged 2 Cor. 9:6,7 These two verses set forth the manner in which the believer’s stewardship of money should be cared for. In the first place, in supporting God’s work he should be generous (v. 6). Stinginess in God’s service will never bring a rich reward. Imagery from the grain fields is em ployed to enforce this truth. No farmer would expect to reap a good crop by be ing skimpy in the seed that he sows. Yet some who call themselves Christians ap parently want the blessing of God upon their lives without being willing to give very much to the material support of His cause. In the second place, in sup porting God’s work the believer ought to be purposeful (v. 7). His giving should not be “grudgingly, or of neces sity,” that is, not because of what peo ple will think if there is no giving or simply out of a sense of duty. God is not interested in that kind of giving. He wants giving that comes from hearts that purpose to do as much for God and His work as they can. Thirdly, the support of God’s work should be done in a cheerful manner. The word cheerful could more literally be translated hilarious. God delights in the believer who is so interested in His work that he constantly strives to see how much he can give rather than how little. What Is Its Reward? 2 Cor. 9:8 They who are faithful to God in money matters will never be sorry. He will in ways of His own wise choosing reward every earnest steward. As Dr. Ironside says on this matter, “the Lord will never be your debtor if you give like that.”
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