King's Business - 1950-10

He Staggered Not ( Continued from Page H )


SOULWINNING " “ «■"i'?:

in the Christian than in the unsaved person. Abraham “ staggered not through unbelief.” Abraham’ s Secret Did Abraham have a secret? We believe he did. And it is a secret we all may know. The outstanding trait o f Abraham’s faith is recorded for us in Romans 4:17. His confidence is here declared to rest in God “Who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.” He, like his God, could speak o f “ non-existent things as though ex­ isting” (Weymouth). Abraham knew well the language o f faith! Not only did he speak the language o f faith, but he thought in that language. One is proficient only in a language to the extent that he can forget his native tongue and think in the language he seeks to learn. How true in this case! May we forget our native language o f unbelief! Before the battle, God declares, “ I have delivered them into thy hands.” He declares in prophetic certainty, “ Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill o f Zion.” In the language o f our God we are actually to claim a work as finished coincidental with our ask­ ing! “Whatsoever we ask, we know that we have” (1 John 5 :15 ). Certain­ ly the manner in which we talk will affect our lives. Harsh criticism may isolate one from his friends; com­ plaint may bring sourness o f soul; self-pity may weaken a man; foul language or profanity will degrade. Similarly, the language o f faith will make us stable and spiritually strong. Abraham’s secret, then, was the full acceptance o f God at His Word, and reference to His promise in a perfect tense. He refused contrary evidence wherever it raised its head, for he was “ fully persuaded” and strong in faith. How effective all this may be in the practical aspects of our lives! If God has called us to a certain task, we will see it through. We will not stagger at the difficult point. A group can stagger too! Therefore we, as an organization, or a church, will not be disturbed by adverse circumstances. We will remember that God has never warned us against trouble, but o f un­ belief and spiritual hesitancy. And for this we have Abraham’s secret of power.


"ONI PICTURE IS WORTH 1000 WORDS" (Chino* proverb)

Scores won to Christ through'these soul winning stories. EASY TO TELL for the words of the story are on thefilm. (SI) “TheSpiderandThe Fly"—33lullcoloredpictures ($2) "He Took My Whipping”—30fullcolored pictures (S3)“ Sermons FromAnAnt Hill”—31fullcoloredpictures ($4) “The Little Hay Maker's Secret”—33full coloredpictures ($5) “TheGospelTrainOnTheBloodLine”—33fullcolorpictures

(56) “Jimmy inTinCanValley”—38lull coloredpictures (57) “TheChristmasStory”—35fullcoloredpictures

Price per filmstrip, Double Frame $7.50' Single Frame $6.00. In 2x2 slides Readymounts per slide 50c. Glass binders per slide 60c. Write for descriptive illustrated pamphlet of Bible stories, hymns, etc. Produced by G O S P E L S L ID E and F IL M S E R V IC E TACOMA ™ WASHINGTON

THE 'patftO CCd MOODY S C I E N C E F I L M S 16mm. COLOR AND SOUND GOD OF CREATION Illustrates through astronomy, nature and the microscopic world the power and wisdom of God. 37 minutes GOD OF THE ATOM' The story of the atom and how it is related to man’s need of a spiritual rebirth. 40 minutes VOICE OF THE DEEP Fish can be heard talking— and spiritual truths can be understood— with proper "ears.” 30 minutes DUST OR DESTINY Unusual miracles of nature show unmistakable evidence of a Creator-Redeemer. 48 minutes (Available after Nov. 1, 1950.)

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O rganization, if any_ Street__________________ C ity____________________

_Zone_ _State_ Don Parson, director—FILM DEPARTMENT MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE Chicago 10, Illinois

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Page Thirty-two

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