King's Business - 1950-10

C H U R C H B U L L E T I N S Large Assortment— Self Selection Lithographed— Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. Great NewMechanical Index Applicable to not only the Books of the Bible, but also the Chapters as well. So that Reference can be found INSTANTLY. Installed in out­ standing King James and American Standard Version Bibles, also King James New Testa­ ments. Reasonable prices for such a great work. Great demand. Write for your catalog now. Part-time and full-time agents wanted. INSTANT BIBLE INDEX COMPANY, Flora, Illinois. —DO YOU? 128 So. Lombard Ave., Oak Park, Illinois G H O W N S • Pu lp it a n d Cho jr Headquarters for RELIGIOUS SUPPLIES 1 { § fu re . Stoles i • Veotments Comm union i CEYLON and IND IA GENERAL MISSION WE BELIEVE IN— B u ild in g U p th e In d ia n C h u rch

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

November 5, 1950 How to Go S traight

red cross, reminding us o f the cross on which Christ died for our sins. Christ is •the true foundation, fo r the Bible says: “ Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Notice how differently this match acts as he travels down life’s pathway. He does not wobble, and he passes by those things which cause the worldly match to fall. A t the end o f the pathway, he is taken upward. It is this way in life. The people who accept Christ as Sav­ iour will find that He will keep them from temptations o f the world and at the end o f life receive them into Heaven. November 12, 1950 P eter the P reacher Objects: Sand, a small bag of cement, a glass of water, and a small block of cement. Lesson: A t the beginning o f each year, many people promise themselves that they will stop certain bad habits and will start doing certain good things. A s a rule, such resolutions do not last very long, because unsaved people are too much like the sand in this saucer. Do people build houses on the sand? No, sand cannot be depended on as a foundation. In the book o f James, we read: “ A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” It reminds me o f Peter before the Lord changed his life.

Objects: A small globe, or a large ball with the map of the world sketched upon it, a cubical block with a red cross painted on one side, two matches, an imitation cigarette, a small bottle filled with vinegar, a small cardboard door with “ Theater” written over it, and a cardboard door with “ Dancing” written over it, and a small black sack.


Lesson: This match does not seem to know how to go straight. (Stick the match in a hole in the globe, and roll the globe across the table.) It wobbles just like some people. There is a reason fo r its not going straight; it is worldly. It is planted in the world. It resembles unsaved people who like the things of the world. It is difficult to tell where worldly people will go, except that they will go in the direction the world goes. Notice what happens as this worldly match travels along the pathway of life. He comes to the door of the theater, and thinking that the whole world is going there, he goes in. (Have the door large enough to receive the ball.) Out he comes, still as unsteady as ever. He next bumps into a cigarette, and as he is traveling with the world, he thinks he must learn to smoke. On he goes, and rolls into the door o f a dance hall. Out he comes, and not fa r from the dance hall he finds ..a bottle o f whisky. This bottle is filled with vinegar, but it represents whisky. He travels faster now, and soon drops into this black bag marked “ Destruction, Outer Darkness, and Hell.” This is the end o f a worldly life. God’s Word says: “ Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” This other match is like those who have accepted Christ. We will put it on this block which represents Christ. (Place the end o f the match in a hole in the block.) On the side o f the block is a OCTOBER, I 950

AN ANCHOR THAT KEEPS THE SOUL JJ 7 In the storms of life Bible- based lines are strongest. Thaf/ j why Multnomah’s Bible- centered curriculum provides an anchor for Christian youth. Write today for catalogue. Multnomah seeks to enroll new friends as prayer warriors , students and stewards . ” Doorstep Evangel" free to inquirers.

Here is a little sack o f cement which will represent Jesus Christ. This glass o f water will stand fo r the Bible, God’s Word. I f we should mix all these to­ gether, it would make a block o f cement like this one which I made last week. When an unsaved person believes the Bible, the living water, and accepts Christ, the Rock o f Ages, as his own Saviour, his whole life is changed. He is no longer like the shifting sand. People can depend on him. God, too, can depend on him, and God is able to use such a person in His service.


ULTNOMAH S chool o f th e BIBLE Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President

John G. Mitchell, D. D., Vice President

632 N. E. Holladay St.

Portland 14, Oregon


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