King's Business - 1950-10

One o f the marks o f the early Chris­ tians was their deep love one for an­ other. History tells us that the pagan Romans marveled at this, and were often found saying, “ Behold, how they love one another.” The Jerusalem church in our lesson today, was able to work fo r the Lord and give out the message o f salvation effectively, because the Chris­ tians in it were bound by love. November 26, 1950 G iving or L osing Objects: A tin heart and a rubber heart. (The rubber heart can be cut from an old automobile tire tube.) Lesson: These two hearts are like two kinds o f Christian givers. They are the same in size and shape, but they are very different. This tin one looks the brightest, but it is fa r from being the best, as fa r as giving is concerned. In thinking o f giving, it is well fo r us to remember that we are only the stewards o f God’s gifts. In the business world, a steward needs to be very care­ ful about the way he handles the money or goods entrusted to him, fo r he must do as the owner desires. We forget that God has entrusted to us many things besides money. We have health, clear minds, time, and talents. We need to ask ourselves the question, “ Are we using these gifts from God for ourselves or fo r others fo r His sake?” These hearts are not different in size and shape, but they are entirely different when it comes to the matter o f giving. This rubber heart gives immediately without a sound. No matter from which direction it is approached, it always gives, cheerfully and silently. Notice how differently the tin heart acts when asked to give. It will not stretch the least little bit. It is not silent about it either, but makes a good deal o f noise. (Rattle the tin so that it can be heard.)

Jesus wanted Peter to realize this great truth, and He said: “ Thou art Simon the son o f Jona: thou Shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpreta­ tion, A stone.” There was a time in the life o f Peter when he was very much like the shifting sand. When Peter was asked about Christ, on the night that Jesus was taken by the soldiers, he denied that he had ever known the Lord. But the time came when Peter was changed and he became a stone on which God could depend. In our lesson today we find that Peter witnessed to Cornelius and won him to the Lord. God could depend on him to go where He asked him to go. Are you like the sand, or are you like a block o f cement? I f you have taken Christ as your Saviour, you are like the cement. I f you have never accepted Him you are as the sand, and it is impossible fo r you to live a life well-pleasing to God. November 19, 1950 T he L ink of L ove Objects: A pair o f scissors with the screw taken out. Lesson: What are scissors made fo r ? Do you think your mothers could use these scissors fo r cutting? Notice how they poke and scratch each other. It would be very difficult to get them to cut a piece of cloth in this condition. These scissors are very much like boys and girls. They, as a rule, fuss and fight more than they work. Listen to these scissors saying, “ I will cut if you will let me cut by myself. I don’t want to work with my brother. He doesn’t cut straight. I should much rather scratch and gouge him than work with him.” Mother could never make a dress with scissors like these. What is wrong with these scissors? Yes, the screw which holds them to­ gether is missing. Here is the screw. We will fasten them together and see if they work any better. They now work perfectly. It is just this way in life. When boys are held together with the screw of love, they can do hard tasks without fighting. Sisters can do many things fo r mother if the screw o f love holds them together. Nations could work to­ gether harmoniously if Christian love bound them together. New let us ask ourselves the ques­ tion: How do we get the love which keeps us from fighting? We do not get this kind o f love fo r a brother or sister by being born in the same home. Broth­ ers and sisters are often the worst en­ emies. This love is received when we accept Christ as Saviour.


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Many people are like this tin heart when they are asked to give of their possessions, whether it be o f time, tal­ ents, or money. They make a big fuss. They need their money fo r themselves, or they haven’t the time to waste on others, or they want to use their tal­ ents fo r their own good. How sad they will be when they stand in the presence o f Christ and give a reckoning! They will be the losers in the end. We only truly save that which we give to God. How happy those Christians will be who have giving hearts, like this rubber one, when they stand in the presence of Christ and hear Him say: “ Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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