King's Business - 1950-10

and 39. The Western European na­ tions are to be united, not merely under the laws o f emergency or ex­ pediency, but under the iron will o f a world dictator who will cover his mailed fist with the velvet glove of inescapable logic. The day will come when union for Western Europe and possible other nations will appear as the unique plan o f the ages and the inescapable an­ swer to world problems. All o f this must needs wait the emergency of that sinister character whom the Bi­ ble describes as the “ man o f sin” and the “ son o f perdition.” But as great events cast their shadows before, so the stirrings in diplomatic circles of present European nations call unmis­ takably to our minds world-shaking events which are in the not-too-distant future. This is no reason for fear on the part o f the child o f God. Rather, when we see these things coming to pass, we lift up our heads, knowing that our redemption draweth nigh. Even so come, come quickly, Lord Jesus! Bellingham High School Auditorium, Rev. Paul T. Nelson, Chairman Youth for Christ, Don Reed, Director First Presbyterian Church, 7th Ave. and Spring, Dr. F. Paul McConkey Maranatha Bible Hall, 2930 Norton Ave., Snohomish Co. Evangelical Minister’s Fel­ lowship, Rev. Robert B. Brown, Sec’y. First Presbyterian Church, 1221 Chester St., Rev. Wilbur W. Scafe First Presbyterian Church (Union meet­ ing) Youth for Christ, Mr. Jesse K. Leise, Di­ rector Ahtanum Congregational Church, Rev. Ralph M. Hettrick First Baptist Church, 8th Avenue & 8th St., Rev. J. Clarence Orr Hillyard Baptist Church, Wabash & Nel­ son, Rev. Clate A. Risley Neighbors of Woodcraft Auditorium, Aus­ pices, Evangel Baptist Church, Rev. Louis P. Lehman, Pastor First Baptist Church, Dr. Curtis B. Aken- son Omaha Gospel Tabernacle, 2006 Douglas St., Dr. R. R. Brown.

death. The Roman Church followed their usual scheme o f trying this doc­ trine out on the members o f the church for a number o f years before it was proclaimed an unchangeable dogma. The teaching of the assump­ tion was first begun in 1925 and be­ came a dogma, or irrefutable truth, in the year 1950. Do not misunderstand us. It is right to honor Mary whom God chose to be the mother o f His dear Son, because the Scriptures so honor her. When the Angel Gabriel was sent to acquaint Mary with the truth of the coming birth of the Holy One, Mary was described as “ Blessed among wo­ men” and one that is “ highly fa­ vored.” There is not the slightest doubt but that Mary was a most won­ derful, sincere and modest young maiden in Israel and the honor which God gave her of being the human ve­ hicle through which to bring into the world His beloved Son should never be lost sight of. But we must re­ member that Mary was not divine, she is not to be worshiped, and her salvation was accomplished on exact­ ly the same basis as the salvation o f millions o f believers from that time to this. There is not the slightest teaching in scriptures that Mary was ever to be worshiped and this would seem to be blasphemy o f the worst sort and idolatry hateful to God. . To the uninitiated Protestant mind this dogma seems puerile to the last degree. What is to be gained by in­ sistence that Mary was transported bodily to Heaven unless it be a fur­ ther Satanic attack upon the unique­ ness of the death and resurrection of Christ, or unless it be to add still fur­ ther idolatrous practices to an al­ ready idolatrous church? For Scrip­ ture to confirm all this one looks in vain. Not a line o f New Testament truth encourages such a belief. In fact, the teaching o f the New Testa­ ment strongly discourages Mariolatry in any form. But this does not worry the Roman Church which embarked many centuries ago on its anti-scrip­ tural program and today continues unchecked in its headlong race toward paganism. Why Europe Won’t Ever Unite R ECENTLY a very well-written , article appeared on the pages of one o f our widely-read magazines, by W. B. Courtney, who wrote on the impossibility o f the states o f Europe ever becoming united as suggested by Winston Churchill. Race, culture and economy were advanced as reasons for a United States o f Europe never be- O C T O B E R , I 9 5 0

coming a reality. While there may be cultural union, and economic agree­ ment, the author strongly feels that it is merely wishful speculation to hope that a strong fortified union can ever actually take place. We concur in this view. However, what worldly writers do not take into consideration is the fact that our God is a God o f the humanly impossible; that His ways are not ours; and that He has methods of bringing things to pass transcending all the basic laws o f human relation­ ships. God has set forth on the pages of prophetic Scripture that there is to be a revival of a coalition o f na­ tions known in history as the Roman Empire. This grouping o f nations outlined in geography must o f ne­ cessity include most o f the Western European countries and must exclude Eastern Europe. The broad outline o f both this and the Russian confed­ eracy are already dimly seen. The present satellites o f Russia were never a part of the ancient Roman Empire. They are to form the great Northern Confederacy o f Ezekiel 38


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