Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

A. “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, pre­ pared as a bride adorned for her hus­ band.” The inhabitants of the new earth are the redeemed. We read in the previous chapter that all whose names are not written in the Book of Life, were judged every man accord­ ing to his own works, and they were cast into the lake of fire. There are three heavens referred to in Scripture: our cloudy atmosphere, the starry firmament, and the throne of God. This portion does not mean that the throne of God has had to 'be made over. Wherever sin has extended, a new heaven will be made. Whether Satan’s influence has extended to other heav­ enly bodies we have no way of know­ ing. Wherever His influence has ex­ tended, however, there will be the new heaven, referred to here in Revelation 21 . Q. Anderson, California — “Since God cannot endure evil, please explain why Satan is apparently free to come into God’s presence to accuse the brethren (Revelation 12:10; Job 1:6-12).” A. While God sees evil it does not mean that He can look upon it with complacency or satisfaction. He cannot abide sin. This question is really a part of a larger question concerning the per­ mission of evil at all in God’s wonder­ ful universe. God is a God of good; God is a God of love. From the entire scope of the Bible we see that God has not made a race of “automotons” or robots, but men with a free will to determine their own destinies. The chief end of man is to glorify God. Somehow, in this strange world of confusion, tumult, hatred, animosities and oppositions to the will of God, the Lord, in infinite wisdom and sovereign grace, has decid­ ed that this is the best plan of all. You would not want your husband or wife to live with you just because he or she had to. God could have legis- (continued on next page) 15

the basis of the law written in his heart, his conscience. Q. Portland, Oregon — “I have always been confused, by Romans 9:18. This does not seem like our God of love and compassion.” A. “Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.” This traces back all of God’s dealings on earth to His will. There are many things according to our finite minds that do not seem to be in keeping with a God of love and compassion. You need not even con­ fine yourself to the Bible. People who have never trusted Christ are engrossed with the worldly fashion, circum­ scribed by this scene of time. The same Bible that tells us that these things of iniquity and evil occur in the world, is the same Bible that tells us that over all of it is a sovereign and infinite Majesty — even our Almighty God. Q. Stockton, California — “If one has al­ ready quenched the Holy Spirit, how can you get it back?” A. Whenever one speaks of the Holy Spirit, we must be careful to realize that He is a Person. It is not “it”, but Him. “Quenching” appears in I Thess- alonians 5:19, “Quench not the Spir­ it.” Quenching is the picture of a fire which has been stifled or covered up, making void the usefulness or effec­ tiveness of it. Quenching the voice of your conscience does not mean that you have lost it. Quenching the warn­ ing of a parent does not mean you lose the parent. Our Lord has reminded us that the Holy Spirit will abide with us forever. Quenching means having your own way in spite of what the Holy Spirit tells you. You have been robbed of your joy and effective serv­ ice. You do not need to get the Holy Spirit back,, you need to confess your sin of unyieldedness (I John 1:9). Q ( Lemon Grove, California -— ■' “W ill you please explain Revelation 21:1 and 2 for me and tell me who it is that will inhabit the new earth?”

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