Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

“My defense is in God, which saveth the upright in heart.” David had a large army. It was never once defeated. Yet, he realized that his sure defense was not in men, but in God. It is a good thing David didn’t trust in his army because one day they all turned against him and went- over to Absalom. In nature God has given animals, birds and fish different kinds of de­ fense. He gives color as a means of defense for some. The giraffe is spotted so that it mingles and mixes with the green things about it. God has also given it a long neck so it can see and smell any enemy from a long distance. The zebra’s stripes blend in with the surroundings. The rabbit, with its gray color, hides in the hedge or grain field. The same thing is true of frogs. The deer has a color that blends in very easily with its surroundings. It also has speed. God uses both to protect it. In another area, fish are white on the under side. The reason is so that other fish beneath them, looking up, can hardly detect them. They are protected from each other in this manner. Some are spotted so that as they settle down and rest on the sand at the bottom of the sea, it is very hard to see them. Their colors mingle with the others about them. God protects some of his creatures with armor. Think of the porcupine. Other animals keep a respective dis­ tance from them. Their needles are ex­ tremely sharp. God has given the tur­ tle a heavy shell. The same is true of the snail. These animals that move slowly have to be given something that will protect them, and this is the way in which the Lord has provided. The alligator, rhinoceros and hippo­ potamus all have very thick skins. I have on my desk a piece of skin from a rhinoceros and it is as hard as iron. I doubt if you could pound a nail through it. I keep it in front of me as a reminder that I need a hide like that myself. There are many things that would hurt you unless you have a good thick skin. Another means of defense is odor. Think of that lovely, beautiful, little 20



I n G od ’ s plan for animal life He has provided a defense for every crea­ ture, including man. In Job 22:25 we read, “The Almighty shall be thy de­ fense.” In Psalm 7:10, David testified,

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