Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

STOMACH PAINS AND DISCOURAGEMENT One of Satan’s most effective tools is discouragement. Dr. Walter C. Al­ varez recently wrote: “Physical symp­ toms often stem from man’s depressed feeling. For 40 years I have been sad­ dened to see that commonly, when a person goes into mental depression, CmeloncholicC), we doctors fail to make the correct diagnosis. Often common symptoms include abdominal pains, un­ usual fatigue, insomnia, loss of appe­ tite, headaches, pains about the joints, which seem like arthritis. Yet, if ques­ tioned closely, the patient may admit he feels terribly unhappy. A t least a third of the people who come to me with some serious disease in the ab­ domen turn out to have their real trou­ bles in the brain.” Thank God, there is a prescription available for the believ­ er; for all those who w ill put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. When the Saviour went away He left a blessed legacy here upon the earth, “Peace I leave with you, my peace 1 give unto you. l e t not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7). * * * The future is as bright as the promises of God. * * * Knowledge, like timber, shouldn't be used until seasoned. *

STOPPING THE THUNDER A little puppy heard thunder for the first time. When the noise con­ tinued he got up and barked for all he was worth. He was upset with this thing disturbing his peace. He growled more furiously as the thun­ der claps continued. He flew around the room seeking to tear to pieces the unseen intruder who had thus dared to defy him. An onlooker might smile at the scene: a little yowling, yipping dog pitted against the artillery of heaven. What a foolish creature to think his bark could silence the thunder clap or put fear into the heart of the One who caused it. But after all, he was only a little dog. Think for a mo­ ment of the supposedly intelligent human beings who imitate this little creature. They go about howling at their Maker as though he could be barked out of existence or His voice of warning could be silenced. They would defy Alm ighty God today but they w ill be crushed by His right­ eous indignation in a coming hour. The Bible says, “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” But the assurance of the Word comes in the truth, “Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” * He istruly richwho has nothing left to bedeprived of. * * * The Christian need not worry, for if we let God guide. He will provide. * *

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