Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

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by Dr. Walter L. Wilson

T h ere is a phrase in Luke 15:22 concerning the beautiful story of the prodigal son. The father says, “Bring forth the best robe and put it on him” (the prodigal ‘son). Since this is called the best robe, it contrasts with others which are evidentally not so good. Let us see why it might have been better. First of all the best robe is free, while all other garments must be purchased. Some robes are quite in­ expensive, while those which are worn by royalty at a coronation are lavishly expensive. The robe of righteousness which the heavenly Father gives to prodigal children is entirely a gift. No one can purchase such a robe, it is a free bestowment of God’s grace. This is also the best robe because it may-be worn beyond the grave while all others must be left behind. A widow is called upon to dispose of garments left by her companion at his death. This robe, however, accompanies him into eter- nity. This best robe is received by the be­ liever who trusts his soul to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the right clothing for the royal court of glory. By this robe, we have access to the throne room of God. This robe is the best because it is always suitable for the occasion. A bathing suit would be out of place in the pulpit; a wedding dress would hardly be the style for a funeral; a diver’s suit would not be appropriate for a society party; a tuxe­ do would hardly be servicable for a coal mine., God’s best robe is in style everywhere. There is never any prob­ lem about the fit of this robe. Others need to be changed with the fashions of the year. Baby dresses give way to those of a more mature sort. Knee breeches give way to long pants. Those who are slender may became portly and need a change both of style and dimensions in their garments. This lovely robe of righteousness, the gift of God’s grace, needs no alterations.

There was a day when hoop skirts were worn by society matrons. Styles change with the generations but the style of this best robe never alters. It was worn in Paul’s day and in the days of .the Wesleys. Through the centuries this robe of righteousness has remained unchanged. It is also the best robe because it never needs repair. Most garments show wear and tear with use. The sleeves become frayed, buttonholes be­ come ravelled, collars soiled and worn, many washings fade the colors. It is not so, however, with this best robe. It- comes from heaven and is main­ tained by heaven. Those wear it best who love it most. Prayer, Bible read­ ing and Christian fellowship keep it bright, neat and fresh. It is also the best robe because of its great cost. *A11 robes of human manu­ facturers are produced at a price, yet the robe of righteousness is priceless. Most other robes are obtained with no suffering: the sheep is sheared, the cot­ ton is picked, the silk is gathered, but this best robe has come through the terrible suffering of Christ Jesus our Lord. The warp and woof was through Calvary. Through His sacrifice we re­ ceive this wonderful coat, the best robe. No one can take this coat from you. Sisters wear each other’s dresses and brothers borrow each other’s coats, but this robe will fit you and you alone. It is your own property and your sa­ cred treasure. Whoever you are, what­ ever color your hair or eyes may be, this robe will beautify you. Your body may not be very attractive, your nose may be too large or your chin may recede too much, or you may have a double chin.. It matters not what your physical appearance may be, this best robe will be exactly the right covering for you. If you will accept Jesus Christ by faith just now, He will clothe you with this robe and you will be fit for His wonderful presence.

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