Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

GOD’S SCHOOL FOR ANIMALS by Dr. Walter L. Wilson could teach baby opossums to wrap their tails to their mother’s tail. This is just another evidence of the working of God in all of nature. ELEPHANT Have you ever noticed the peculiar gait of the elephant? He seems so cum- YET THERE IS ROOM Ten thousand thousand souls there are Enter'd within the door; These countless souls are gather'd in. And yet there's room for more. Room for the lame, the halt, the blind; Friend, there's room for thee; 'Twas Christ made room for such poor souls By dying on the tree. Room for the feeble and the faint, The helpless and the poor. Who wait and hope, and watch and cry, At mercy's open door. Room for the chief of sinners still, Though plagued with unbelief; The precious Christ can save thy soul, He saved the dying thief. There's room for seeking, sighing souls Who seek their fears to quell; Who know that Christ, and Christ alone. Can save a soul from hell. Oh, may there be but room for me. The worst of Adam's race; And then I'll sing in songs of praise, A sinner saved by grace. bersome and awkward in all his move­ ments. Yet you may never have dis­ covered the reason. The elephant has the largest and heaviest body of any living animal, except possibly the whale. Other animals are able to rise from the ground on two legs. The cow,

O n e of th e most beautiful of all singing birds is the lark. The crea­ ture itself is not so attractive but its song defies description. Many poems have been composed about the entranc­ ing strains that emanate from its lit­ tle throat. But have you ever heard of a verse composed about the feet of the lark? Sounds rather ridiculous, doesn’t it? Its feet are ugly and out of proportion in size to the bird. The toes are unusually long and are covered with rough unsightly growths, like warts. Did God make a mistake when He gave the lark her beautiful voice so exquisitely rich, while at the same time such unsightly feet? No! God al­ ways does things well. The reason is that the lark does not build a nest. When she lays her two eggs on the ground she can pick up those two eggs in her two feet and fly, away should some danger arise. Her toes are extra long so they can enclose the egg with­ out crushing it. They are made homy and rough so that the egg will not slip and fall. The God who thus cares for the little lark, cares more deeply for you. Trust Him with your problems. He knows how to handle them. OPOSSUM Life becomes very interesting when we observe some of the peculiarities in nature. Consider the case of the opossum. The mother carries her babies on her back. She curls her long stiff tail over her back to her head. The babies jump up on each sjde and curl their tails around hers. In this way four or five babies hang securely on each side of the mother’s back. Those on one side counterbalance the weight of those on the other. Who taught the opossums this trick? Is there a school in which opossums are trained? Did some atheist or infidel suggest this method of transportation to the babies in the family? Of course not. Only God

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