Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

whose hind legs bend backward, will lift its body first on its hind legs and then complete the rising motion by getting upon the front legs. The horse whose hind legs also bend backward, reverses the operation. It rises first on the front legs and then completes the job by lifting the remainder of its body with the hind legs. Why did these two animals not rise from the ground in the same way? What light does the hypothesis of the Darwinian evolution- WE CLEANED OUR CHURCH We cleaned our little church today— Wiped all the dust and dirt away. We straightened papers, washed the floors; Wiped off the lights and painted doors. We brushed the dirt stains from the books And whisked the cobwebs from the nooks. We polished windows so we'd see The newly greening shrub and tree. The menfolks, too, raked up the yard— They laughed and said it wasn't hard. And, oh, it felt so very good To have the place look as it should. We said: "How wonderful 'twould be If we cleaned out what we can't see— Such things as grudges, hates, and lies, And musty thoughts more worse than flies." If all would let God's spirit in To cleanse each heart from soiling sin, Ah, then our church would really shine. ary theory shed on this peculiar char­ acteristic? None whatever, you can be sure. God made these animals to do that since the day they were created. My personal opinion is that the cow gets up on its hind legs to protect the udder. The hind legs of the elephant are not like the hind legs of any other creature in that they bend forward just like the front legs. The wise provi­ sion of God was rendered necessary be­ cause of the great weight of the body. The elephant must use all four of its

Director of the Biola Stewardship Depart­ ment, Rev. Ray Weiskopf (left), look over plans for expansion of ministry in the South­ west and Arizona with Mr. A l Sanders, Biola vice-president (center) and Mr. Merv Fishback, newly appointed representative for the area. legs to lift so many pounds to an up­ right position. The God who prepared the elephant to carry its burden is able to help you carry yours. Why don’t you let Him do it? BIRDS and FISH Consider also the habits of migratory birds. They change their surroundings with the seasons. The same is true with fish. Do you suppose these creatures went to some school room to learn geography? Neither carry navigation instruments, yet they return to the very location from which they left. The God who made them, the Lord who en­ dowed them with instinct, gives them this ability and guidance. Only He can perform such a miracle! Let Him give you His new nature through a saving faith in Jesus Christ His Son. Then you, too, will walk and talk with the King. Do you know who teaches birds to build nests? Baby birds aren’t around when their mothers build the nests in which they are hatched. Baby birds may be taught how to fly, but they do not receive instructions on nest build­ ing. A bird hatched in an incubator, which has never seen a nest, will build a perfectly good nest of the sort built by its kind. How marvelous are God’s works. Trust Him with your soul and just as He handles the miracles of nature, so he can handle all the problems of your life! 29

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