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by Dr. Walter L. Wilson
H ave you ever thought of f compar ing an automobile to the Chris tian? A car is not self-made; it didn’t just happen. It is not a product of nature and it doesn’t grow on trees. So the Christian is not a self-made product. The Holy Spirit has con vinced him of his wreck and ruin and need of the new birth. Christ Jesus transformed him by the saving power of His Word. Now, the automobile is made for service. It isn’t just an orna
ment for show purposes. It has a def inite duty to perform and it must do it well. So the Christian, transformed by the power of God, can be of service in the harvest fields of earth for the glory of his Master. The automobile cannot guide itself, it must have an intelligent hand on the wheel. The one who guides it, must not be under the influence of any evil spirits found in bottles; he must not be (continued on next page)
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