Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

Finally he did cofne, he overthrew the wicked oppressors, and he delivered his people. Even so, a greater than Gar- abaldi is coming to bring deliverance to the Lord’s people. In the not too distant future all, who by faith have received Christ as Saviour, w ill join in the shout, “Behold the Bridegroom com- eth!” May we be, “Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appear­ ing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” * If we'll pray in the time of vic­ tory, we'll not be discouraged in the time of defeat. * * * "THE HEAVENLY GUEST" If you open the door and let Christ in He will come as a courteous guest; He will take the space that you give to Him And will leave you all the rest; If you crowd Him out of your largest room And give Him a corner small, If you scarcely remember that He is there And speak of Him not at all,— If you are not receiving copies of the BROADCASTER m onthly, you m ay have them com e to y o u r hom e o r office autom atically by being a m em ber of the Biola Fellow ship. T his is a group of faithful donors w ho invest m onthly in th e distinctive m inistries of the Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles, Inc. Specific m onthly am ounts are not set; this is a m atter betw een you and the Lord. In m aintaining this 53 y ear old w ork for th e Saviour, w e have found th at faithfulness on the p a rt of God’s stew ards is th e im portant thing. You are invited to become co-laborers w ith us in this vital testim ony. T h e invest­ m ent you m ake w ill b rin g you this publication m onthly, hereafter, w ithout your* request. If you a re already a m em ber of the Fellow ship and have received an extra N am e ------------— ............................................... * *

Ah, then He may grieve when He sees your mind By the cares of the world possessed, When your feet have strayed and your soul is faint And your heart by grief opprest; But He cannot comfort and lift and guide And help as He longs to do— When He sits apart in your House of Life— For you have not asked* Him to. Oh, make Him the Master of all you have, The Lord of your heart and soul, Yield all yourself for His dwelling place And let Him take the whole; He will do with you, He will work for you, He will reign in your life alone, And you'll find the blessing that you have missed And the joys you have never known. — Annie Johnson Flint * * * If God has called you don't spend time looking over your shoulder to see who's following. * * * (continued on next page)

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copy of this publication, please pass it along to a friend so th at he m ay also enroll in the P lan an d receive these helpful m onthly features from the broadcasts. Since all m aterials from the Biola radio program s are included in the BROADCASTER, publication is . gen­ erally com pleted n ear the end of the specific m onth. Y our patience is greatly appreciated. Q I w ould like to become a m em ber of the Biola Fellow ship. Biola Fellow ship M em bers receive a packet of envelopes (24 to expire in two years for m onthly contributions). I a m enclosing $.......................this m onth, and would like to send $____ 4 ______ m onthly fo e m inistries of Biola.

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