Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

While gasoline is necessary in the tank, oil is necessary throughout the car. The car would soon bum itself out if there was no oil in the engine. Oil is another picture of the Holy Spirit. He makes things run smoothly when there is danger of friction. He makes it possible to operate with heavy loads and great burdens, without the engine heating up. There must be cushions in the car for comfort. Who wants' to ride on a hard-board seat. Our Lord calls Him­ self the God of all comfort. He not only would have us as soldiers serving Him on the battlefield, but He would have us comfortable, enjoying sweet peace in the heart and the comfort of the Holy Spirit in our souls. No manufacturer would make a car without lights. Driving in the night re­ quires sufficient light to avoid dangers. We Christians are traveling through a dark world. The Son of Righteousness is the One who will guide and direct and the Holy Spirit is the Light of life as well. Jesus Christ is the Light of the World. There must also be a cooling system. Let the living water of the Holy Spirit flow through your soul that you may operate well. One time a woman came up to me and said, “Dr. Wilson, you don’t have the right kind of power in your preaching. You ought to have more power and more noise.” Well, I knew I didn’t have as much power as I should. Every Christian has felt that way. But I said to her very quietly, and confidently, “Lady, whenever you buy an automobile again, you get the one that makes the most noise because that’s proof that the engine has the most power. The noisier it is, the more push it has.” She looked rather sur­ prised and bewildered. I continued, “You know, when the Holy Spirit came down upon Jesus, He descended like a dove.” She turned and walked away. Noise and perspiration do not beget inspiration. Excitement and gestures all over the platform do not mean the power of God is there. Let us depend on the quiet Holy Spirit of God, the One who said, “Study to be quiet.” 4

Christians and Cars (continued) asleep. The Christian must be guided, too. He cannot direct his own steps or lay out his own path. “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). When the Spirit is at the wheel, the duty will be well done and the road will be safely traversed. Have you ever turned your life over to the Spirit of God? The car may be beautifully painted, splendidly upholstered, equipped with new tires, and still make no progress. Maybe there is no gasoline in the tank. Our blessed Lord told His disci­ ples, “Tarry ye in Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). Many of the Lord’s peo­ ple are trying to operate without pow­ er. They may love the Lord Jesus but they are strangers to that blessed Spirit of Christ who alone can endue with power and endow for service. Their Christian activity is a drag; they are weary in the Lord’s work. Oh, that God’s people would take time to go to the filling station, the Throne of Grace, and give the Holy Spirit an opportuni­ ty to work in their lives. Even though the tank may be filled with gasoline, still the car may not operate. The engine may not turn over for the battery is down. There are those among God’s people who are clear on the doctrine of the Holy Spir­ it. They can quote the Scripture but there is no power in their lives. They know the theory but do not see the theory operating in the realm of their own experience. The Holy Spirit builds a fire in the boiler of the soul. For a car, the spark ignites the gas and ex­ plodes with power in the cylinder. Have you had any explosions in your experience? Do you know the blessing of this limitless power manifested in the working of the Holy Spirit? Chris­ tianity is a going concern. An automobile would not be safe with plenty of power but no brakes. Not only does it need power to go but it needs power to stop. The Christian must not run riot on any subject; he must not go to seed on any truth.

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