Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

parables and pearls (AS FEATURED OVER "THE BIOLA HOUR"

salvation; it is fu ll and complete, lack­ ing nothing. What human hands could dare touch that which God has perfect­ ly wrought? But while we can’t im­ prove on the product, we certainly can do something about the containers, our human lives. We should be fit vessels, meet for the Master’s use. May we fol­ low the exhortation of Paul as he de­ clared, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and ac­ ceptable, and perfect, w ill of God” (Romans 12:2). A PHILOSOPHY OF THE TWO COWS These are days of struggle between ideologies. Suppose we try to define the philosophies and systems of gov­ ernment seen in the past few decades using two cows by way of illustration. It would follow then that Fascism is where a person has two cows, the gov­ ernment takes both and sells him the milk. Nazism meant a person might have had two cows, the government would take both and shoot the indi­ vidual (especially if he happened to be a Jew). Socialism would mean if you have two cows, your neighbor might come along and claim one. But his cow would die, so he would insist on you sharing your m ilk w ith him. Some of our own government spending in­ dicates the philosophy that if you have two cows, the government takes both, ships one to a communist bloc nation, milks the other and throws the milk away. Or perhaps, if taxes continue to spiral, you might have to borrow mon­ ey on your cows to pay your taxes, but you would probably have so little left there would be no money to feed them. (The tax money had gone to buy gold 8


First, never attend the opening ex­ ercises, or, if you do come, make sure you are always late. Second, when you come, be sure to talk to the person next to you finding fault w ith what is being done by the superintendent or leader. Third, never accept an office in the Sunday School but be ready rather to criticise others who obviously don’t have as much talent as you do. F o u r th if you are ever asked to give an opinion on some important matter insist that you have nothing to say, but afterwards say everything you can to anyone else and complain that they didn’t really want your ideas. Fifth, do as little as possible but when others roll up their sleeves to go to work, complain that everything is being run by a clique. Sixth, don’t worry about getting new people to attend Sunday School or see­ ing boys and girls saved and parents brought to church. After all, that is what you are paying the pastor to do. Have you ever known anyone who seemed to be trying to kill the Sunday School? God help us to be more faith­ fu l to His high and holy calling day by day. * * * There'« a lot to be said for the fel­ low who doesn't «ay it himself. * * * NEW SOAP ADVERTISEMENT It is interesting how various products are promoted. One soap manufacturer seemed to reach the ultimate. Running out of superlatives, he devised this no­ vel and compelling manner of adver­ tising. His company’s pronouncements were, “Since we couldn’t improve our product, we decided to improve the box.” There is a valuable spiritual lesson here. We can’t improve on God’s great

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