Biola Broadcaster - 1963-06

beds for African queens.) Going fur­ ther, Communism might be defined as the system where you have two cows, the government takes the m ilk and gives it to its communist bosses and lets you clean up the barn. Contrary, and ideally, Capitalism is where you , have two cows, you sell the milk, buy a bull and raise a herd. But let us try this same illustration as a means to define Christianity. The Lord bless­ es you with the ownership of two cows. You remember your duty to God and man. You dispense your income, build up your herd and use your profits to send the Gospel of His Son Jesus Christ to the darkened corners of this world. “There is that scattereth, and yet in- creaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be wa­ tered also hitnself’ (Proverbs 11:24, 25). Don't wait to see what happens but, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, take hold and make it happen. * * * WHAT IS CHRIST TO YOU? Regardless of your place in life, to each one Christ brings complete fu lfill­ ment. To the artist, the Saviour is the Altogether Lovely One; to the archi­ tect He is the Chief Cornerstone; to the baker He is the Living Bread; to the builder, He is the Sure Foundation; to the doctor He is the Great Physician; to the farmer, He is the Lord of the Harvest; to the geologist, He is the Rock of Ages; to the jurist, He is the Righteous Judge; to the jeweler, He is the Pearl of Great Price; to the news­ paper man, He is the Good Tidings of Great Joy; to the oculist, He is the Light of the World; to the philosopher, He is the Wisdom of God; to the preacher, He is the Word of God; to the sculptor, He is the Living Stone; and more than anything else, to the sinner, He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. To the Chris­ tian He becomes the Author and Fin­ isher of our faith, the Son of the Living God, our Saviour, Redeemer and lord!


From left to right, Biola students Sharon Warkentin, Bob Hilts and Charlene Altig are featured in Musical Biolans Gospel team. "The Christian's armour will rust except it is burnished with the oil of prayer." * * ★ THE SUNKEN TREASURE Many years ago the Empress. of Ire­ land was lost in a St. Lawrence River disaster, along w ith the treasures she had amassed. Her heirs claimed unbe­ lievable fortunes in money and jewels supposedly deposited in the purser’s safe. The insurance company went to the great expense of having the ship salvaged. When the hulk was raised and the safe opened, however, it ac­ tually contained only a few dollars. The Bible reminds us there is a com­ ing day when the books of God w ill be opened; when the dead shall be judged according to that which is written in the heavenly account. In that day those who have made extravagant claims of their faith w ill find their true lives brought to light. Saving faith is a deposit that must be demonstrated by daily dividends of consistent living. For “the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the w ill of God abideth forever.” * * * So called Christians who are con­ formed will never be transformed.


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