Residences Operations Manager - QMUL

Strategic Development

Joint Statement of Intent: A Major New Initiative in the Life Sciences

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Barts Health Trust (BHT) announce a major new Centre for Life Sciences in Whitechapel, home to the Royal London Hospital and a campus of QMUL’s, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Importantly, the initiative will work with and benefit the diverse local population served by both University and Trust, in communities with substantial healthcare needs. Drawing on our expertise in genomics and other specialities, we will address important issues in population health to the benefit of East London, the UK and well beyond.

The national and international impact of research performed in the new centre will be enhanced by the exceptionally strong transport links – national and international - of the Whitechapel site.

The Initiative will be led by QMUL in partnership with BHT. We also anticipate close partnership working on this site with other universities and NHS Trusts (including primary care providers), commercial companies (in the pharmaceutical and informatics industries), and charitable organisations. QMUL will build new accommodation at the western end of the BHT Whitechapel site, on land to be purchased from the Trust by the University. The total development space (to be devoted to laboratories, offices and meeting spaces) will be approximately 40,000 m2. Discussions continue between BHT and QMUL around the joint development of additional space at Whitechapel for related activities (covering the spectrum from research across to innovation, translation and clinical practice) and for residential accommodation for key workers, students, and researchers.

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