Limitless PTS: Hip and Knee Pain


Are You Moving Correctly?

If you are suffering from knee or hip pain, it is important to make sure you contact a physical therapist as soon as possible. However, there are also some tests you can do on your own before your consultation – these simple tests can help you determine if your knees and hips are as flexible and strong as they should be. Practice caution when performing these tests with a painful knee or hip, and do not continue them if they cause your pain to worsen:

Physical therapy is considered an essential healthcare service and we will continue to provide care to meet the needs of new and current patients as long as we feel it is appropriate. We are currently accepting appointments for necessary one-on-one in clinic appointments and are also now offering Telehealth services.

• When you are standing, can you touch your toes? This indicates hip and low back flexibility.

• When sitting down, can you comfortably cross your legs so your ankle is resting on the opposite knee? Does one knee go further down than the other? This indicates hip flexibility. If one hip is tighter than the other, it can impact the way you walk and can cause knee pain. • Keeping your feet flat on the floor while holding onto something solid, how far can you squat down? You should be able to squat all the way down so your buttocks almost touches your heels. Don’t let your heels pop up! If you favor movement to one side, you probably have hip weakness on that side or limited motion in the hip joint. • Standing near a counter top, put one foot in front of the other so you are touching heel-to-toe. Without putting your hands down, see if you can balance for 10 seconds. If you cannot, this may mean you have trouble with the coordination of your balance from the nerve endings in your hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Contact us today: As noted, physical therapy is an effective mode of treatment for patients suffering from knee and/or hip pain. At Limitless Physical Therapy Specialists, we help provide treatment for patients through movement and physical manipulation. If you are suffering from knee and/or hip pain, don’t hesitate to contact Limitless Physical Therapy Specialists to schedule an appointment. We’ll help you kick your knee and hip pains to the curb, so you can live a happy, active, and pain-free life!

As long as you have a smartphone, tablet, or a computer with a camera, you have what it takes for a telehealth appointment.

Our team is ready to help you live your life without limits right now! We are committed to providing excellent value to you during the time you spend with us - even if it is virtual! While every insurance is different, we promise there will be no surprise billing. In fact, most insurance companies are covering telehealth services in full right now. Feel free to call our office at (585) 869-5140 with questions about your insurance coverage, to schedule an appointment, or you can book an in clinic or telehealth appointment by clicking the button below.


Stay healthy and safe! - The Limitless Team


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