May 2022 Anchorlines

Fleet Surgeon

This is a repeat of an article by David Randall in the November, 2021 Anchorlines .

Allergy and Sinus Issues Just like the Philistines with Samson, the cold and flu season is now upon us. Our pharmacies offer a bevy of remedies for allergy, cold, and flu and it seemed useful to have a brief review to sort out some of these.

David Randall

First: a quick note on common conditions. We all know that catching the common, “cold” has nothing to do with outside temperature but probably reflects a combination of cramped indoor conditions with people in close proximity as well as the seasonal drop in vitamin D due to less sun exposure. These are due to non-influenza viruses that cause most upper respiratory illness. Hallmarks of a viral syndrome include its symptoms throughout the body: nasal congestion/runny nose, the scratchy throat, cough, body aches and headache. Various influenza viruses cause actual influenza, or the, “flu”. This condition involves more severe symptoms, also involves the lower airways and lungs, and has a longer recovery period. Patients with lung, diabetes, or other conditions can even develop pneumonia with surprising mortality. Allergies, in contrast, occur largely through our over-reaction of our immune system to allergens such as pollen, pet dander and the like. We have all had the itchy eyes and throat, nasal blockage and mucus, and even cough.

To read the entire article, click on the link listed below:

Reservations Please! Please remember to make your reservations for dinner and events at the Club at least two days before the event. Chef Jono and his Staff like to be prepared in order to have the right amount of food and beverage. Also, when you make your reservation for a specific time, please be prepared to be shown to your table at that time. We appreciate your help as this also helps the kitchen Staff serve you in a timely manner.

We have a new Facebook page: Please “Like” and “Follow” our new page to help share the fun of MIYC. We also hope you’ll “Check In” and share a picture from the club!


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