King's Business - 1954-10

TAKING GOD INTO BUSINESS see pages 8, 14, 41 , 44



T. E. M «‘Cully: For the Businessman, a Spiritual Glow see page 14

W ou ld You L ike a Free T rip to H aw a ii?

Just about any o f us would like to travel to Hawaii. We here at the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles have worked out a way that one o f our friends will win just such a trip, plus a 10- day vacation in the Is­

If you are a pastor then you’re eligible to win this free Hawaiian vacation— or one o f 25 other valuable prizes; typewriters, tape recorders, pro­ jectors, etc. O f course if you’re not a pastor you’ll want to make certain that your pastor wins. And no pastor can win without the help o f his members. Here’s how it works. This fall our magazine, the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , is sponsoring a subscription contest with these valuable prizes going to the winning churches. It’s planned so that the smallest church has equal opportunity with the largest. Why not let us send information about this important contest to your pastor? If you’ll use the handy coupon on page 33 o f this issue we’ll be happy to send him complete details. Perhaps you’ll want to clip and fill out the coupon now while you’re thinking about it. We believe it could be a real ministry for our Lord. Thank you so much.

lands. And the best part about this Hawaiian vacation is that the winner will be going along with a group o f other Christians who are making up a Bible Conference Cruise. The cruise is this coming January. Co-hosts will be Dr. J. Vernon McGee o f the Church o f the Open Door in Los Angeles, Dr. J. Henry Hutchins o f the Lake Avenue Congregational Church in Pasadena and Dr. J. Lester Harnish of the Temple Baptist Church in Los Angeles.

This question of the hour is being asked in thousands of Sunday Schools today. It is asked by a growing number of superintendents and teachers who are discovering that mere activity, growing at­ tendance, and simple Bible stories are not enough. They have learned that if they have not reached the heart of the pupil, they have not seen his life changed. T o the thousands of alert Sunday School superintendents and teachers using Scripture Press ALL-BIBLE Sunday School lessons, this is no problem. A bright and colorful pupil’s work­ book immediately captures the interest of the pupil who at this age is eager for information and possesses increased power of concentration. Large, easy-to-read type makes it easy for him to read. Num ­ erous illustrations in the material properly prepared for his age level make it easy for him to apply the lesson to his own life. For, according to educational experts, he responds to the challenge of growth in Christ. A t the same time, the teacher is provided with a manual which gives the proper approach for lesson preparation. In addition to sound Bible interpretation, the teacher is provided with practical illustrations on how to lead the Junior-age pupil to the place where he can make a personal decision for Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

Th e teacher also is frequently reminded of three altogether different types of visual aids which can be tied in directly in lesson presentation. One is the Scripture Press “ Suede-graph” with which to teach Bible stories. More than 20 titles are available, covering events in the Bible understandable to Junior pupils. Th e second is the “ Gospel-graph” which teachers can use in presenting various of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Ten titles are available. In addition, four fascinating Table-top Projects have been correlated with various quarter’s lessons in the Junior curriculum. Thus equipped, the teacher possesses the visual types of teaching tools used so effectively in the public school. You can be sure that you are truly reaching your Junior-age pupils for Christ when you use Scripture Press ALL-BIBLE Sunday School lessons.


Why Wait Longer? You can reach your Junior-age children for Christ now with ABGS. And the same fine material is available for all other age groups. A free book “ H ow Firm a Foundation” is waiting, which gives you the complete story of Scripture Press ALL- BIBLE Lessons. You are under no obligation. Simply check the blanks below, indicating your special interest. I’m particularly interested in the following: KBA-104 C radle R oll ______ , N ursery _______, B eginner ______ , P rimary ________, J unior ________, I ntermediate (J r . H igh ) __________ , S enior __________ , A dult _________ , H ome D epartment _________ N am e__________________________________________________ Address_____________ ____________________________________ City------------- .______________ I Zone______ State___________ Church Name ________________________ ¿j_______ Address. ________________________ __________

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t ^ e a c t i on


Sirs: We have just read your article, “Modernism and the Los Angeles Presbytery.” You described in detail the theological views of our own pas­ tor, who five years ago succeeded a fundamental man. The church is now going in high gear financially and socially, but is absolutely void of spirituality. The few spiritual mem­ bers who are sticking it out have no voice in the church. Having been raised and married in the church, we have grown to love it and find it hard to turn our backs on it. Still we are sure we should have no part of it because of its present state. The Presbyterian Church, USA is at stake. What must we do about it? Brawley, Calif. Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Lyons Sirs: It would seem we are truly living in the latter days when a church such as this that used to stand behind the blood of Christ and all the funda­ mentals of the Christian faith has, in so large measure, deserted all this for the modernistic teachings1of the day. Billings, Monf. Nels Mikkelson Sirs: I praise God for your courage in helping to expose modernism in my beloved old Presbyterian church. My family had to withdraw because of these conditions. Jackson, Minn. Mrs. Stephen J. Vasen Sirs: The article is enlightening and much needed. Were I to offer any criticism it would be the lack of Scripture (e.g. quotes showing this condition to be fulfillment of prophe­ cy as in Timothy, Peter, Jude, etc.). Auburndole, Fla. Mrs. A. D. Wolcott Sirs: I should think that since the Los Angeles Presbytery considers the Bi­ ble Institute of Los Angeles as being in such a fallen condition that the Presbytery would consider it a most needful mission field! One expects a reactionary order like this to be is­ sued from the Vatican but hardly from an enlightened and so-called democratic church body like the Pres­ byterian Church, USA. As a member of this great church it makes me sick at heart. Boston, Mass. John O'Rourke Sirs: For once I’m recdly glad I’m a Baptist! Denver, Colo. Cyrus Jensen continued on page 6


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Official publication of the Bible Institute’ of Los Angeles, Inc.

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Vol. 45, No. 10


Established 1910

chancellor LO UIS T. TALBO T

ARTICLES JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES — Cults, Part I— Louis T. Talbot ........ 11 BUSINESSMEN SHOULD GLOW — T. E. McCully ............................ 14 BROTHER LAWRENCE — The Practice of the Presence of God __ 16 ISRAEL, THE APPLE OF GOD'S EYE — Charles L. Feinberg ......... 18 LIKE A TREE PLANTED — Photo story ............................................ 44 FEATURES READER REACTION ........... __....................................................................... 4 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ...................................................................... 8 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ....................... 9 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 10 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ........................................... 20 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ................................... 21 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton .......................... 22 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr .............................................................. 23 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ................................................................ 24 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore .. 25 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ............................ 26 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS — Oran H. Smith ...................................... 28 BOOK REVIEWS— Donald G. Davis ................................................... 32 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ............................................................................ 34 IN CHRIST IS LIFE— Arnold Grunigen, Jr............................................ 41 ADVERTISERS' INDEX ....................................................................... 50 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED— Margaret Jacobsen ......... 35 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett ............................... 36 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS — Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 39 OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L. Wilder ...................... ............................. 46 COVER The man on this month's cover is T. E. McCully, a top executive of a Milwaukee, Wis. baking company. We asked our photographer to pose McCully against a background that would tie in with the baking busi­ ness. A t the time McCully was attending a Bible conference at Winona Lake, Ind. Photographer and subject had to trek 10 miles out into the country before finding a suitable spot. It turned out to be an old flour mill which seems to meet our requirements very nicely. For an article by McCully, written especially for businessmen, see page 14.

editor S. H. SU TH ER LA N D

m anaging editor LLO YD H A M IL L

copy editor ROSE H A R D IE

editorial assistant LU C Y R. RED M O N D

advertising m anager M ILT O N R. SUE

circulation m anager STELLA K IN T ER

business .manager J. RUSSELL A LLD ER

editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Charles L. Feinberg M artha S. Hooker • Glenn F. O 'N eal • Donald S. Robertson Gerald B. Stanton

Donald G. Davis • James O. Henry Margaret Jacobsen Chester J. Padgett • Oran H. Smith

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1-925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1,1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, Californio. ADDRESS: The K in g's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

"The King's Business." Date of expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For Information address the Advertising Manager, 558 ’ South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed' to us for consideration.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — .."The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rotes. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25. cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or -post office money order payable to



Sirs: The photo story, Cargadero, in the last issue was interesting, however, it left me wondering what the word cargadero means. Minneapolis, Minn. A nna Wilson W e find ourselves in the same po­ sition with reader W ilson! Film Pro­ ducer Brusseau tells us the word means burden bearer. But not all Spanish experts agree with Brusseau’s translation. The Appleton Spanish Dictionary translates the word as a loading place or freight depot. Two other sources we checked, a native- born Central American and a printer with a shop near M exico City, tell us the word for burden bearer is “ cargador” and not “ cargadero.” — ED. Sirs: Without a doubt many Christian people who read the letter by E. W. Johnson in the August issue (re: “ How God Answered My Prayer,” by Georgia Lee, July K.B.) have been astonished with a great astonishment. Nothing is too great or too small for God to do for His children. When it is His will and for our best good, physical healing through believing prayer is not to be scoffed at. (James 5:14,15.) Fredericktown, Ohio C. H. W right Sirs: The articles about Brother Law­ rence are high in their aim but I miss the lack of references to Christ or Jesus or the Scriptures. I also won­ der who wrote them or to whom the letters were addressed. As they stand, wouldn’t it be possible for these cults- which ignore Christ to find them useful to aspire to a lofty “ spir­ ituality.” Joshua Tree, Calif. Mrs. W. P. Needles Sirs: I find especially helpful the articles on practicing the presence of God daily. What a wonderful Christian truth and one which should be stressed more from our pulpits. It would solve so many problems of Christian conduct and amusement. V a n Nuys, Calif. Mrs. Dorothy M. Garthe The Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence has become a Christian classic, read and loved by countless thousands since its pub­ lication in French in the 16 hundreds. Brother Lawrence was Nicholas Her­ man, a cook in a monastery and the letters were written to friends. — ED. T H E K IN G 'S BU SINESS GEORGIA LEE BROTHER LAWRENCE


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Waitfor Peace

T oday restless Korea is still patrolled by for­ eign troops and planes. The courageous people o f this war ravished land are still waiting for a permanent peace. The Film De­ partment o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles has produced one o f the finest documentary films available today on Korea. Here is an unusual presentation o f the dramatic story o f struggling Korea coupled with the great message o f salva­ tion and hope in Jesus Christ. Here is what Christian Life magazine film editor Harry Bristow wrote about this film: “ The

production They Wait for Peace, released by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, is without ques­ tion the finest documentary on Korea yet re­ leased . . . I like this film because o f its direct personal appeal both on salvation and challenge to Christian service. The film should find un­ limited use with excellent missionary emphasis.” This film is now available for your church or group on an offering basis. Thirty minutes in color. For free information write to Virgil Wem- mer, Film Dept., Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Adv.


O C T O B E R , 1 9 5 4

Taking G od Into Business


theeditor’s desk

many types of appeals. Christian businessmen should distinguish between the appeals of so-called Christian organizations, but which actually are merely religious, and those appeals which represent a definite Christ- honoring program. Such discernment on the part of those who love the Lord and who seek to serve Him will eliminate a great deal of giving to modernistic denominational missions, modernistic denominational schools and other modernistic enterprises which op­ erate under the guise of Christianity but which ac­ tually deny the truths held near and dear to the hearts of all true believers. 3. Christian businessmen would do well, further­ more, in their giving to evangelical Christian causes, to consider the proportion of their donations which they give to those types of appeals which are made merely to perpetuate an individual’s work, and those types of appeals which represent a time-tested organ­ ization with a wide-range of service and influence and which have the stamp of the Lord’s approval upon them through the years of sustained vital Chris­ tian work. 4. Giving is so often merely on the basis of an emotional appeal. An individual with a heart-tugging voice and with a story that stirs the emotions will oftentimes obtain a much larger contribution than the work which he represents would merit. The emotions have their place in our Christian conduct and thinking, but certainly one’s giving should be based upon true values and not on momentary emo­ tional stimulation. The secular business world is giving a great deal of prominence to the problem of financial aid to higher education. Imposing headlines such as “ Our Colleges and Universities Face Grave Financial Prob­ lems,” and “What Business Can do to Help Our Colleges and Universities,” pin-point the common problems faced today by all private institutions of higher learning. There is a definite blind spot in the minds of many Christians in connection with their giving. Much is made of the need of proper program and facilities in the local church in behalf of children and young people through the high school years. This is most vital. Much also is made of gifts in behalf of Christian work which is being carried on in other lands. And this is most vital. But, there is compara­ tively little said and done in behalf of the post-high, school training that is necessary to equip these young people for lives of service, either at home or abroad. Christian businessmen would do well to give in order that the Christian schools which are the fountain heads of Christian service might not be dried up but that instead there might be an ever-increasing flow of young people well qualified, both spiritually and aca­ demically, to meet the needs of the world today both at home and abroad. END.

Tribute to Businessm en I n a world that is filled with international, national, ■local and personal graft and corruption in so many thigh places, it is refreshing to be able to pay trib­ ute to those who come face to face with such nefar­ ious conduct and attitudes and yet who maintain their business and personal integrity. Evidence clear­ ly reveals that it is extremely difficult, today, to make “ an honest living” ; but there are thousands of businessmen who are living testimonies to the fact that it can be done. All honor to all such. If there ever was a time when a Christian, be he in business, in the home, in the ministry or in any other type of work, needed to lean heavily upon the Lord in prayer for divine guidance, now is the time. Testimonies of the Lord’s people around the world reveal the wonderful way in which the Lord leads and sustains. It is “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.” We need to pray for ourselves, and especially for one another, that the pit- falls of the devil’s world do not engulf us but that we might be living epistles “ known and read of all men,” testifying to the glorious truth that it pays to serve the Lord every step of the way. Some General Rules T he average Christian businessman, and this in­ cludes all who are identified as either employer or employee in the business world, is confronted today with a flood of requests for financial aid in behalf of every conceivable type of benevolent organization. Some of these requests must be heeded merely for good business reasons. Other requests are gladly heeded because of the complete worth-whileness of the organization involved. There are, I believe, cer­ tain general rules which might be of help in de­ termining where to grant financial aid: 1. Christian organizations must depend entirely upon Christian givers for their support. It is impos­ sible, for instance, for a Christian school to obtain help through the Community Chest or other secular fund-raising groups. Such are entirely worthy causes, but they represent the interests of the people at large and the general public will give to such types of work. 2. Under the guise of Christianity, there are



A monthly column of names in the news. The Rev. Richard C. Halverson, a pas­ tor of the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, has been invited to hold prayer, Bible study and evan­ gelistic meetings in Korea during the month of October. The invitation came from the National Christian Council of Korea, representing 5 thousand churches of Presbyterian, Methodist and Holiness groups. Ac­ companying Halverson will be Bob Pierce of World Vision. Halverson will spend the first week in Korea meet­ ing with 1,500 pastors for intensive Bible study and prayer in prepar­ ation for the evangelistic meetings. Everett S. Graffam, administrative as­ sistant to the president of the Provi- dence-Barrington Bible College of Rhode Island, has resigned to accept the appointment as president of Buf­ falo Bible Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. In Portsmouth, Va. this summer Evangelist Hyman Appelman was draw­ ing nightly crowds of 3 thousand. An interesting side-light of the cam­ paign was a head-on clash with au­ thorities in nearby Norfolk over a beer-drinking Mardi Gras. The reviv­ al committee attempted to block the Mardi Gras by requesting that the Norfolk city manager permit a street meeting to be held on Main Street at the same time. Due to these con­ flicting requests, both groups were denied roping-off privileges. A Mardi Gras spokesman offered to rent a bur­ lesque theater for the revival meet­ ings. The offer was politely refused. The outcome: no street meetings; no Mardi Gras. Winona Lake (Indiana) Christian Assembly has a new executive di­ rector. He is Robert J. Hughes of Buf­ falo, N.Y. and music editor of Sing- spiration, Inc. Hughes, 38, succeeds the late Arthur W. McKee. New Orleans will be the next city in the Billy Graham evangelistic cru­ sade. Meetings are scheduled to last four weeks starting October 3 in Peli­ can Stadium. Crusade chairman is Dr. J. D. Grey, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Graham’s headquar­ ters has announced that during No­ vember the team will appear in Portland, Ore. (Nov. 20,21), Seattle (Nov. 23, 24), San Francisco (Nov. 27) and Sacramento (Nov. 28). At the same time plans are also under way for a return to Great Britain next Spring for meetings in Glasgow.


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O C T O B E R , 1 9 5 4

Listen to ■ ■ Y O U T ON T H E M A RC with P E R C Y C R A W F O R D

Coast to Coast over ABC Radio Network

VTorh M other is under doctor’s orders to do no lifting or stretching or heavy work of any description. Actually, all a mother ought to do to be a good mother and housekeeper is forbidden her for several months. To the youngsters this is a ma­ jor tragedy. They are working faster and more often to make up for Mother’s lack. The oldest son, recuperating from nephritis, cannot take a job outside the home. To Bob, 18, and Dorothe- ann, 11, has fallen the job of hanging out the wash. This is a real task, especially once a week when 10 beds are stripped. Mop­ ping his brow after a tussle with many sheets in the hot sun, Bob said to Mother: “What a wash! We have more laundry than Car­ ter has liver pills.” “ Sometimes I feel as though I have more youngsters than Car­ ter has liver pills. But say! Could it be you are beginning to ap­ preciate the magnitude of the task involved in the rearing of a family?” “Well,” was the non-commit­ tal reply. “You children are learning an important lesson first hand: ‘to do your own business, and to work with your own hands’ (1 Thess. 4:11). God knew this admoni­ tion was necessary for His chil­ dren, hence He had it included in His Word.” “ I guess human nature will al- wavs try to shake off work,” Bob replied thoughtfully. “ I know I don’t actually crave it myself, es- necially certain kinds. But I also know I’ll never regret having been taught to work, even at jobs which aren’t exactly in my realm. The young people at school who have the most trouble usually have the least responsibilities and work. The more I think of it I should thank vou now for teach­ ing me to work.” Mother thanked God for a son who learns on the basis of “ thus saith the Lord.”

Starting October 3

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• • Dir. Ch. Ed._ e e > e e Church- Pastor—

-S. S. Supt.. __ Teacher—



Jehovah’s Witnesses

This is the first in a series of exclusive articles that w ill graph ica lly illustrate the e rro r in some of today ’ s most popu lar systems of fa lse religion

B y Louis T . T a lbot

M y texts for this series of messages on the false sys­ tems of religion are found in Matthew 24:5, 11 and 24: “ For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall de­ ceive many. “ And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. “ For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” These solemn words were a part of our Lord’s discourse on the Mount of Olives, His last great prophetic utterance before He went to Calvary to die for our sins. You will recall that His disciples had come to Him with h question that was burning in their hearts: “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world [age]?” (Matt. 24:3.) In answer to this inquiry, the Lord cast His all-seeing eye down the age to its close, and He made very plain to His disciples some unmistakable signs by which it would be known that it was about to end. He men­ tioned wars, rumors of wars, fam­ ines, pestilences, earthquakes, abound­ ing iniquity, persecutions, things about which we read in our daily newspapers. But here is a very sig­ nificant thing I do not want you to

miss: Of these distresses—wvars, fam­ ines and the like—He spoke only once. He referred to the sins which would make hearts grow cold just one time. But again and again He spoke of the “false Christs,” “false prophets,” who should come. It was upon the religious conditions at the end time that He put the emphasis. He tells us that they will perform wonderful works in the realm of the miraculous, which should almost de­ ceive God’s own. Notice carefully the words of these texts: “Many shall come” ; “many shall rise” ; “ shall de­ ceive many.” M y friends, the rise and increase of these cults are sure and certain signs of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Along with the return of the Jews to Israel, it is one of the striking evidences that His coming may not be far off, that soon He will return for His bride, the church; and short­ ly thereafter with the church to set up His millennial reign. Meantime let us examine every religion under the lens of Holy Writ. Some people believe no such analy­ sis should be made of any religion save the one they follow. I believe this to be contrary to the Scriptures which plainly state: “ Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). “ . . . they received the word . . k with all readiness MORE y 11

confused, unlearned theologians, and neither was a scholar. Although Je­ hovah’s Witnesses base many of their teachings upon Russell’s supposed knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, it is a well-authenticated fact that once in court when Russell was asked to read the Greek alphabet, he was un­ able to do so! Both men were ego­ tistical and controversial and had many brushes with the law. Russell was deported from Canada during World War I, charged with hamper­ ing mobilization and Rutherford ac­ tually served a term in Atlanta Fed­ eral Penitentiary for violation of the Espionage Act. Yet Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses boast of their patriotism, claim­ ing to have uncovered “ the fifth col­ umn,” while at the same time re­ fusing to salute the American flag! T he original textbooks of Je­ on the market, they sold in the millions. Jehovah’s Witnesses early learned the power of the press, and for many years from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, with present headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y., have poured literally tons of their heretical literature. While for reasons I will disclose later, the Je­ hovah’s Witnesses should like to dis­ claim Russell and Rutherford, they continue to teach exactly the same doctrines they taught. In fact, many of their “ new” books aré only re­ writes of Russell and Rutherford. The Jehovah’s Witnesses cult is one of the fastest-growing in America, particu­ larly appealing to those who have lit­ tle security in this world by their promises of an earthly paradise. A l­ though the founders died enormously wealthy men, there is no evidence that the “ followers are enjoying much financial prosperity.” R u th e rfo rd claimed his “ theocracy” was the only hope for mankind” (p. 226, L ife). May God help the poor who have been misled into this Christ- dishonoring system by such promises of happiness for this world or that which is to come. Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bible As I stated before, in company with all the cults, Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses comes with its book or books. Christian Science comes with Mrs. Eddy’s Science and Health, Mormon- ism with the writings of Joseph Smith, Seventh-day Adventism with the books of Mrs. Ellen G. White, and so on through every one of them. Russell called his books “ the light now due” and stated that it was

Jehovah’s Witnesses continued of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11).

that their books are the authority and the Bible is ruled out. However, if they said that to start with, peo­ ple who have had some Christian in­ fluence, and some faith in the Word of God, would be frightened away. They wait until the unwary have been ensnared and then they make it plain that it is not the Bible, but their books, that are God’s message for this age. No matter if you have the Old and New Testaments, that is not enough. You must have the “ rev­ elation” from some man or some woman. Another characteristic of every cult is that one and all they strike at the person and redemptive work of Christ, at His deity and His sin­ less humanity. That proves that back of them is the arch-enemy of our Saviour, Satan himself. Then they all reject a literal hell, and adopt annihilation of the wicked, soul- sleeping or the like. Finally, they all teach some kind of works for salva­ tion — not the finished redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross alone. And it all comes down to this: You are saved or lost according to what you do, not what He has done; and of course, what they tell you to do. If this message reaches any mem­ ber of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I beg of you to divest your mind of every prejudice, and to look at your views in the light of the Word of God. When I was saved, I had a great many wrong ideas from which I had to shake myself loose when they were measured up against the Bible. If you are right, what I am saying cannot hurt you; if you are wrong, the sooner you acknowledge it, the better. I do not expect to reach many who are already completely sold out to these heresies, although I know there is nothing in any of them to satisfy the heart and give the peace of God. I do trust, however, that God will use His Word to de­ liver some deluded ones who have been dabbling with these systems without really knowing what they teach, and that now they will turn away from them in horror. Origin of Jehovah's Witnesses This movement was launched in 1886 with the publication of “ Pastor” Russell’s books and expanded into a great propaganda machine for the old Arian heresy by “ Judge” Ruther­ ford, although Charles Taze Russell was never a pastor, and Joseph Frank­ lin Rutherford was never a judge. Both were prolific, tedious writers,

So now we come to the false re­ ligious system called Jehovah’s W it­ nesses, and we will examine it not by our opinions but by the Word of God. M aybe it will be a little difficult for some of you to identify this cult be­ cause it has changed its name so many times it is a veri­ table moving picture! For instance when I came to America from Australia in 1911, this cult was called M illennial Dawn. It should have been named Millennial Nightmare! Then in succession it was entitled Zion’s Watch Tower, International Bible School Students Association, The Brooklyn Tabernacle, The Peo­ ple’s Pulpit, the Metropolitan Taber­ nacle, the Watch Tower, Russellism and Rutherfordism. The name of­ ficially adopted in 1931 was Jeho­ vah’s Witnesses, although there is a split called The Dawnites, who claim to be the real orthodox Russellites, and who have a coast-to-coast broad­ cast under the names of “ Frank and Ernest.” But as the late eminent Bi­ ble expositor, Dr. William G. Moore- head stated:. “ If called by any other name, it would be the same. All things to all men that by all means to deceive some! It is a mixture of Unitarianism, Universalism, Second Probation, and Restorationism, and the Swedenborgian method of exege­ sis . . . Mr. Russell imposes on Scrip­ ture his own views and reads into it that which never entered the mind of the inspired writer. May God in His infinite mercy preserve His peo­ ple from being deceived and be­ trayed by this counterfeit of Chris­ tianity!” If you find a man running round with six or seven names—who is “ John Smith” today, and “Tom Jones” tomorrow—you can put it down as a dead-sure thing that the police are on his trail! All of the names mean Russellism, and while they now call th em se lv es “ Jehovah’s Witnesses” there is not one witness to the true Jehovah of the Bible in the entire organization. One thing that characterizes every false religion, is that each one claims to be the mouthpiece for God. They do not consider the Word of God sufficient. Each one comes with a book, and says, “ The Bible plus this book.” What they actually mean is

hovah’s Witnesses were the six books of Russell, which sold in the thousands, but when Rutherford’s publications came



enth book which he entitled, The Finished Mystery. Now when you take up the “ six trumpets”— the books of Russell—be sure to read the flyleaf. I want you to see how completely hypocritical Russell really was. Here is the dedi­ cation with which his books begin: “ To the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, in the interest of HIS CON­ SECRATED SAINTS, waiting for the adoption, and of ‘all that in every place call upon the Lord,’ ‘The Household of Faith,’ and of the groan­ ing creation, travailing and waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED.” People who read this immediately say, “My, Russell must have been a godly man to dedicate his books that way!” Then he goes on to deny every­ thing the Scriptures say. A great portion of Russell’s books are given to the study of the book of Revelation, and a more confused and jumbled hodge-podge of everything under the sun you never read. You remember that in the first chapter of the book of Revelation, John records that the risen Christ directed him to “Write the things which thou hast seen” (Rev. 1:19), and in chapters 2 and 3, He dictates messages to the seven churches ex­ isting in Asia Minor at the time. For instance, “ Unto the angel [pastor] of the church of Ephesus write” (Rev. 2:1) and so on. Now Russell tells us to what actual persons these seven messages were directed: the angel of the' church of Ephesus was Paul; of Smyrna, John; of Pergamos, Arius (Arius was the father of the Unitarians from whom came the main tenet of Jehovah’s Witnesses); of Thyatira, Waldo; of Sardis, Wyc- liffe; and of Philadelphia, Luke. But to whom do you think the Lord was speaking when he dictated the let­ ter to the church at Laodicea? To none other than “ Pastor” Russell himself. Now, my friends, I say it kindly, but if you can believe that, you can believe a n y th in g ! Russell also claimed to be the man in the linen suit mentioned in Ezekiel 9:2-4 whom the Lord commanded to “ set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abomin­ ations.” This he understood to be a call to him to destroy all organized religion. He classed himself with Paul, Wycliffe and Luther as the greatest men of the Christian era, and his successor, Rutherford, mod­ estly called himself “ the mouthpiece of God” (p. 62, W hy Serve Jehovah?). Next month: “ Jehovah Witnesses’ Ap­ praisal of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

God’s purpose to conceal the truth for 6,000 years until he should ar­ rive on the scene! Someone wrote very effectively, “According to Rus­ sell, the Word of God was never a lamp to anyone’s feet, or a light to anybody’s path, until it was Russell- ized!” You may think that I am exagger­ ating; that Russell would not be so presumptuous as to say his writings were on a par with the Bible— or worse, capable of replacing the Word of God. Let me show you Russell’s claims. On page 298, of the September 15, 1910 issue of the Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses magazine, The Watchtower, appeared this startling statement: “ If the six volumes of Scripture Studies [Russell’s books] are prac­ tically the Bible, topically, arranged with Bible proof texts given, we do not improperly name the volumes, ‘The Bible in an Arranged Form.’ That is to say, they are not mere comments on the Bible, but they are practically the Bible itself. Further­ more, not only do we find that peo­ ple cannot see the divine plan in studying the Bible itself , but we see, also, that if anyone lays the Scripture Studies aside, even after he has used them, after he has become familiar with them, after he has read them for ten years— if he then lays them aside and ignores them and goes to the Bible alone, though he has un­ derstood his Bible for ten years,.our experience shows that within two years he goes into darkness [italics are mine]. On the other hand, if he had merely read the Scripture Studies with their references and had not read a page of the Bible as such, he would be in the light at the end of two years, because he would then have the light of the Scriptures.” When you read that, you know exactly where to classify this cult, and if you sincerely believe the Bi­ ble is the Word of God, you will re­ pudiate this group at once, and find fellowship with those who believe the Scriptures alone to be the only inspired writings. T hese original textbooks of Scriptures. Russell claimed they were the seven trumpets of chapters eight and nine of the Revelation. When “ the first angel sounded” (Rev. 8:7), that was the “ Pastor” writing his first book, and so on. But, strangely enough, before the seventh angel could blow his trumpet, Russell died, and Rutherford had to write the sev-


A b o n t th e A u t h o r A ustralian-born Dr. Louis T. Talbot has for years been one of America’s strongest pro- claimers of evangelical Chris­ tianity. He is a noted writer (10 books; numerous pamphlets and magazine articles), pastor (for ¿0 years at the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles) and educator (long-time presi­ dent, now chancellor, of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and Talbot Theological Semi­ nary). Dr. Talbot and his research­ ers have made a wide study on cults and false religions. For years he has presented his il­ lustrated sermons on this sub­ ject to audiences the world over. Just completed this summer, this series represents years of work. It is believed to be the most complete and certainly the most up-to-date work on the subject. The articles are being planned to run for six months in K ing ’ s B usiness . Should readers care to have a friend or loved one follow this series orders should be sent within the week. Specify that- order is to start with the September issue. Also specify if gift card is to be sent and if so how it is to be signed. Price is $2.50 per subscription. Address: K ing ’ s B usiness magazine, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. —ED.

Jehovah’s Witnesses written by Russell were first called The M illennial Dawn and afterwards renamed Studies in the



Taking G od Into Business


Here an outstanding businessman outlines some p re ­ requisites for maintaining a spiritual glow

O ne of the most potent testimo­ nies to the saving and keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ in our present day is the active, vir­ ile witness of literally thousands of laymen. They have shaken off their lethargy and exercised genuine spir­ itual maturity by showing concern for their business associates who have not yet found the only way to peace and happiness here and hereafter. And that is as it should be. The spiritual glow must be maintained by those who profess faith in Christ, and certainly that includes the Chris­ tian businessman. If the Saviour in whom we place our trust is not equal to the trials and problems of the work-a-day world, then He is not one to be recommended. But, praise God, He has proved to be all that He claims to be, and more. The month of October marks the end of an eventful year in which it was my privilege to travel from north to south, and east to west, as inter­ national chairman of Christian Busi­ ness Men’s Committee. The things I saw and heard encouraged my heart: businessmen, humbling themselves daily before God, seeking His direc­ tion into avenues of service, witness­ ing in the office as well as in jails, hospitals and service centers. Not the average type of Christian business­ man, the kind that is satisfied to sit in the pew on Sunday morning and receive a spiritual innoculation that is intended to last them for the week. No, this is a new variety: business­ men who are burdened for the lost, particularly for the “up-and-outer” and those who are not reached by the churches.

troit at the fifth annual convention of Christian Business Men’s Commit­ tee International. To my amazement, scores of businessmen—bankers, law­ yers, doctors, clerks— testified to the Lord’s' leading in day-by-day, per­ sonal contacts with their associates. Here were laymen who believed in something so strongly that they zeal­ ously went about to win others to the Saviour, reaching into areas pre­ viously untouched. It was a revela­ tion that made its impact on me, and caused me to re-evaluate my service for the Lord. One after another, men told of wak­ ing up to the opportunities all about them after becoming acquainted and affiliated with a local CBMC. In ad­ dition to being pillars in their lo­ cal churches, these CBMC’ers believed in going the second mile and reach­ ing out to unchurched people. Even the most backward and timid of them could, and did, invite their business associates to breakfasts, luncheons, dinners and banquets where a fine meal and good fellowship were cli­ maxed with a ringing gospel testi­ mony by a leading layman. What a joy to see their business friends, one by one, come under the sound of the gospel, with an increasing number of them coming to the real­ ization that here was something real, something worthy of their careful consideration. Fired with all the en­ thusiasms of a new convert, they have come into more than 310 local CBMC’s in various corners of the earth to encourage one another in the most holy faith and then to go out and win the lost one by one. But it is not an easy matter to

The spiritual “ shot in the arm” that opened my eyes to the respon­ sibility that faces born-again believ­ ers in Christ, laity as well as clergy, came just eleven years ago in De­ A b o u t th e A u t h o r T. (for Theophilus) E. Mc- Cully is the kind of top execu­ tive that most big companies fervently hope to have in their organization. McCully (53, 224 pounds, six-foot) is the vice- president and general manager of the Carpenter Baking Co., Milwaukee. Chairman of the Christian Business Men’s Committee In­ ternational, McCully finds time to keep some 80 speaking en­ gagements yearly. But perhaps his most effective ministry is man-to-man contacts. He de­ liberately steers conversations along spiritual lines. Friends say that one of McCully’s fa­ vorite approaches is to say: “ I’m making a little survey and I would like to ask you a ques­ tion: If someone was dying and they asked you how they could be sure of getting to heaven, what would you tell them? ” He has found this frank ques­ tion inevitably opens the way for a clear gospel presentation. In his private devotions, Mc- cully reads the Bible through consecutively and at the start of each year he asks the Lord for a key verse to guide him.



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