King's Business - 1954-10

Listen to ■ ■ Y O U T ON T H E M A RC with P E R C Y C R A W F O R D

Coast to Coast over ABC Radio Network

VTorh M other is under doctor’s orders to do no lifting or stretching or heavy work of any description. Actually, all a mother ought to do to be a good mother and housekeeper is forbidden her for several months. To the youngsters this is a ma­ jor tragedy. They are working faster and more often to make up for Mother’s lack. The oldest son, recuperating from nephritis, cannot take a job outside the home. To Bob, 18, and Dorothe- ann, 11, has fallen the job of hanging out the wash. This is a real task, especially once a week when 10 beds are stripped. Mop­ ping his brow after a tussle with many sheets in the hot sun, Bob said to Mother: “What a wash! We have more laundry than Car­ ter has liver pills.” “ Sometimes I feel as though I have more youngsters than Car­ ter has liver pills. But say! Could it be you are beginning to ap­ preciate the magnitude of the task involved in the rearing of a family?” “Well,” was the non-commit­ tal reply. “You children are learning an important lesson first hand: ‘to do your own business, and to work with your own hands’ (1 Thess. 4:11). God knew this admoni­ tion was necessary for His chil­ dren, hence He had it included in His Word.” “ I guess human nature will al- wavs try to shake off work,” Bob replied thoughtfully. “ I know I don’t actually crave it myself, es- necially certain kinds. But I also know I’ll never regret having been taught to work, even at jobs which aren’t exactly in my realm. The young people at school who have the most trouble usually have the least responsibilities and work. The more I think of it I should thank vou now for teach­ ing me to work.” Mother thanked God for a son who learns on the basis of “ thus saith the Lord.”

Starting October 3

Reaching thé. Youth wlthjb®:-

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