King's Business - 1954-10

should GLOW

B y T . E . M c C u l I y

maintain the spiritual glow. The Lord has taught us that there are certain prerequisites to the “ burning heart.” First of these is based on Matthew 6:33, “ But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteous­ ness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” In other words, we must learn to put first things first. If Christ is put first in our lives, then our home, business, time, money and all other things will be in their correct relationship to Him. Secondly, we must not look back. As Paul says in Philippians 3:13,14, “ . . . forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize.” We must keep our eyes on Him. It is so easy to let up. But if we let up, we will not keep up. We must have our secret times alone with our Lord each day. These must be definite and important appointments that cannot be missed, if we would maintain the spiritual glow. Finally, and following naturally, we must keep busy. “ Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15). We must find our niche in God’s program and keep everlastingly at it; put into practice the things revealed to us in our quiet times; get into the thick of the fight. To sit idly by and do nothing, think­ ing only of ourselves, is to lose our spiritual glow. Having met these prerequisites, Christian businessmen around the world are pioneering in a new kind of positive witness that is bearing precious fruit. Hand in hand with such God-ordained organizations as

the Gideons International, Child Evangelism Fellowship, and Youth for Christ International, CBMCI is p r o v i d i n g an interdenominational Christian fellowship that goes beyond denominational barriers in its aggres­ sive program of evangelism. Open- air meetings, radio and TV programs, newspaper advertising, labor union meetings, Christian student banquets, fellowship dinners, regional confer­ ences and retreats—these are but a few of the media whereby un­ churched men and women, boys and girls, are being reached by busy lay­ men. An increasing number of evangeli­ cal pastors are rallying behind these interdenominational efforts, fully cog­ nizant of the fact that souls are being won and further that such converts are being channeled into good, sound churches in large numbers. In the usual case, the layman who is bur­ Your Prayer Requests Each morning at nine the editor­ ial staff of King's Business maga­ zine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heart- cry of thousands. Should you have a request we would count it a priv­ ilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

dened to reach out and witness to others is the very one who is the most active in his own local church. His work for CMBC is a plus effort. The secular press has become in­ creasingly aware of the layman’s part in a revival of religious interest across the land. In addition to the newspapers, many leading magazines have highlighted the renewed atten­ tion to spiritual matters. The Octo­ ber 1953 issue of Fortune, for exam­ ple, contained an article entitled “ Businessmen on Their Knees,” by Duncan Norton-Taylor. It concerned the various laymen’s breakfast move­ ments and other similar organizations that have encouraged businessmen to pay attention to God. Strange that my church should fall short in the matter of reaching the unchurched. And yet, it is true of practically every church. We must go into the highways and byways and “ compel them to come in.” That is why CBMC is unique: it encour­ ages this practice. We learn that we are our brother’s keeper, and it makes a difference. When traveling, for ex­ ample, the Lord reminds us of our duty and privilege as His ambassa­ dors, and we speak a word for Him to our seat companions. In varied ways, then, the Lord uses Christian businessmen —r and women — to witness to our fellow men. If we would truly maintain the spiritual glow that marked our conversion experience, we must ac­ tively practice those things that God teaches in His Word. We must labor for Him while it is still day, for the night cometh when no man can work. END.


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