King's Business - 1954-10

W ou ld You L ike a Free T rip to H aw a ii?

Just about any o f us would like to travel to Hawaii. We here at the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles have worked out a way that one o f our friends will win just such a trip, plus a 10- day vacation in the Is­

If you are a pastor then you’re eligible to win this free Hawaiian vacation— or one o f 25 other valuable prizes; typewriters, tape recorders, pro­ jectors, etc. O f course if you’re not a pastor you’ll want to make certain that your pastor wins. And no pastor can win without the help o f his members. Here’s how it works. This fall our magazine, the K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , is sponsoring a subscription contest with these valuable prizes going to the winning churches. It’s planned so that the smallest church has equal opportunity with the largest. Why not let us send information about this important contest to your pastor? If you’ll use the handy coupon on page 33 o f this issue we’ll be happy to send him complete details. Perhaps you’ll want to clip and fill out the coupon now while you’re thinking about it. We believe it could be a real ministry for our Lord. Thank you so much.

lands. And the best part about this Hawaiian vacation is that the winner will be going along with a group o f other Christians who are making up a Bible Conference Cruise. The cruise is this coming January. Co-hosts will be Dr. J. Vernon McGee o f the Church o f the Open Door in Los Angeles, Dr. J. Henry Hutchins o f the Lake Avenue Congregational Church in Pasadena and Dr. J. Lester Harnish of the Temple Baptist Church in Los Angeles.

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