King's Business - 1954-10

Out of the


Lab Dorfbld S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept, of Science, Blola Bible College

Evolution (Part Two)

L ast month we introduced a series of articles on Evolution and the Christian Faith. We saw that the Christian was faced with a dilemma since he cannot use the evidence from the Bible to dissuade the evo­ lutionist nor can the evidence from science be used to prove creation or disprove evolution. If this is so, what then is the Christian’s answer to the problems the theory of evolution has created? The Solution In order to arrive at a sound solu­ tion it is first necessary to review briefly how the scientist works. In a very broad sense the scientific pro­ cedure consists of two steps. The end product of the first is the raw data of science. The second step results in the formulation of hypotheses or theories produced from the analysis and interpretation of the data. The average layman does not ordinarily make a distinction between these two phases of science so that frequently in the public’s ' mind fact becomes confused with theory and vice versa. It is important that the distinction between the two be kept in mind. Theoretically there can be no argu­ ment with the facts, but sometimes there can be more than one inter­ pretation of these facts. Knowing this then we are ready to look at evolution. Is evolution fact or is it theory? If we are talking about the concept which has life first coming into being by chance and that from this start evolving into all the various forms we have today, then we must say that evolu­ tion is theory. True enough this theory is based upon some facts which are not in contradiction to it but in spite of this it is still the theory of evolution. Sometimes in science it is found that a given set of data can support more than one interpretation. When this happens each interpretation is just as scientifically accurate as the other. This is the case with the facts used in support of evolution. They

can be interpreted from the evolution­ ary viewpoint as supporting this theo­ ry. However, these facts do not con­ flict with the scriptural account and can just as readily be used to sup­ port this position. The facts then are neutral and it depends upon the bias of the particular individual observing them whether they are interpreted within one frame of reference or the other. The conflict that arises between the evolutionist and the creationist is not always the fault of the evolutionist failing to be open minded about the interpretation of the scientific facts. Sometimes the theologian has contrib­ uted to the difficulties by insisting on scientifically untenable explanations of certain scriptural facts. Since God gave only a minimum of details in His revelation the theologian has rightly felt the need to interpret these. But all too frequently this interpretation has proceeded without reference to the facts of nature as the scientist has found them. Since revelation and nature came from the same God no discrepancy is expected between the two. If there superficial­ ly appears to be such then we must look closer to be sure this is not a factual conflict but rather one of in­ terpretation. This process will result in some instances in revised inter­ pretations. In review, then, we have seen that both the theologian and the scien­ tist work with facts. The theologian -—scriptural facts, the scientist—nat­ ural facts. Both also interpret their respective facts and sometimes come up with hypotheses and theories which go beyond that which the facts warrant. The conflict between the two is in the realm of interpreta­ tion and not in the realm of fact. The Christian’s answer to the prob­ lem of evolution then is— that crea­ tion does not conflict with the natur­ al facts and is thus an acceptable explanation for the origin of living things. For the next few months we will discuss the evidence for this statement. END.

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