King's Business - 1954-10

MISSIONS continued given their consent for a first aid dis­ pensary. In addition to the usual difficulties, we face certain unique problems as we consider work among the Dyaks. Because of the Christian influences of the past, the majority of the popula­ tion profess to be Christian, although very few give real evidence of con­ version. The usual sort of evange­ lism is not appropriate. We will have to engage in a Bible teaching ministry and pray that the Holy Spir­ it will reveal to them the true mean­ ing of Christianity. The illiteracy of the people complicates this problem in that they cannot read the Scrip­ tures for themselves. Equipment Needed In preparation for a move into the jungle ministry, the largest single item needed is for transportation. After careful comparison, we decided in favor of the British Land Rover in preference to the American jeep. The price, including a power winch, will be $2,150, plus license and insur­ ance. We have $1,000 in the jeep fund now. The next largest item is a kerosene stove. We can buy the American make, Perfection, for about $150. A duplicating machine is need­ ed and we have decided on a Swedish- built Spirits Duplicator, which with a good supply of materials, will cost about $95. Other items will be need­ ed such as kerosene pressure lamps, a charcoal iron, camp cots and a supply of pails, laundry tubs, water cans, etc. In addition to these things, it will be necessary to take in an in­ itial stock of food for the first two or three months. Milk and meat sub­ stitutes will be the most desirable since they are difficult if not im­ possible to obtain in Borneo. An initial supply of medicines will be needed for the first aid work that will from the first be necessary. This leaves one item of great cost and im­ portance—a house. It will be neces­ sary to build our own house, since in the jungle it is impossible to rent a place. An excellent piece of land will be given to us by the Orang Kaja and since Sakong will of neces­ sity be our headquarters for at least a few years, we feel it wise to save future expense and time by building a somewhat permanent place from the start. A comfortable, but modest house, suitable for a family and one single person can be built for as little as $1,000 and possibly less. Some of the materials would have to be taken from Singapore. We will use our general fund here just as discreetly as possible and trust the Lord to supply our Los Angeles office with the needed amount.

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