King's Business - 1954-10

map of the world). The investment that will last for the longest time is that which gives the Bible to the world. Most people feel quite pleased when they have bought something at a good bargain. The very best bargain, and the one. which gives

For L I F E T IM E U s t> FAUSSET’S BIBLE Encyclopedia AN D Dictionary b y A . R. Fadsset clopedia ALL in ONE larae volume. Critical, expository and homiletical. Alphabetically ar­ ranged and indexed for ready reference. Says Moody Monthly Probably the best 1-volume encyclopedia...” „ Says Dr. Wilbur M. Smith e most satisfactory single Bible encyclopedia ever published. *arKe double column pages; 600 illustra­ tions, strongreinforced cloth binding,only $5.95 A t all religious bookstores or ' i Condemn g _ * A N P R A P I D S 6 , M I C H I G A N PUBLISHING HOUSE For every student, preach­ er, Sunday school teacher nod Christian worker—a , . necessary tool. N OW . . . j? c?HPi.efe Bible dictionary and ency­

DR. T O R R E Y M . JO H N SO N Sa ys: “ The American Messianic Fellow­ ship has a most illustrious record of achievement for God. Surely with the blessing o f God, this great mis­ sion can look forward to increasing victories in the com ing years.

ffln&Witn esses to the Jews through... MISSIONARIES on the Field In Jerusalem and Israel BRANCHES AND IT IN E R A N T M IN ­ ISTRY in many cities o f the U.S. PUBLICATION o f tracts and scripture designed for the Jewish people. T R A IN IN G CLASSES AND IN ST I­ TUTES held in local churches, for instructing successful methods in Jew­ ish evangelism. This up-to-the-minute opportunity is yours.

the most satisfaction, is that which is used to send the gospel of Christ to those who do not know Him. A sucker lasts less than a day, ,an ornament for the hair can be used only a short time, and a necktie is soon worn out, but money spent to tell others of Christ will last for eternity. How glad some people will be when they reach heaven that they have given their money to extend the gospel, instead of having spent it for the things which do not last! In Ecclesiastes 5:13, we read, “ There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun, namely, riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt.” Be careful, boys and girls, for Proverbs 20:11 tells us that, “ even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” Hov. 21, 1954 R a i s e i n i P r a is e OBJECTS: A piece of stiff paper 5 x 12 inches, and a piece of paper 8 ^ x 11 inches. (On the first paper print in capital letters the word “ PRAISE.” There should be a little space between each letter. Fold the paper between the “ P” and the “ R” . Fold each end of the 8% x 11 paper to within M inch of the middle, leaving a gap of V 2 inch. In this opening print, PRAISE, beginning near the top and ending near the bottom. Open the flaps and using the letters in the word praise, complete the following words, “Springs,' drink, branches, fruit, grass and h erbr LESSON: I hold in my hand a card on which the word praise is printed. The dictionary defines this word as being “ A tribute of gratitude; worship of God.” Praise is a very important part in the .Christian’s life. In Psalm 100:4 we read, “ Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise.” CON TINUED ►

m eA tccu t- fMESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP f Form erly Chicago H ebrew Mission) M ilton B. Lindberg, Gen. Dir. or Archie A. MacKinney, Supt. 7448 N. DAMEN CHICAGO 45, ILL

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